Tabula Rasa

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A little OS set in the end of episode 20 when Serkan invites Eda to dinner, but Selin swap the restaurant's address and they wait for each other at different restaurants thinking the other didn't come.

What if Eda did call Serkan then ? Some much needed communication and rekindling needed between them.

I haven't often written pre-memory loss EdSer, so it's a little bit of a new field for me. It's not that I don't love them, I find the story untill then too good to touch, but this restaurant scene really frustrated me, so what if ?

 It's not that I don't love them, I find the story untill then too good to touch, but this restaurant scene really frustrated me, so what if ?

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Eda stared at the black screen of her phone, feeling her heart crush in her chest. She didn't knew why she came, nor what she expected.

But Serkan had asked it several times, and with such seriousness that she couldn't bring herself to deny him. A talk and dinner, that's all she expected.

What she didn't expect was sitting for so long facing an empty chair, why hadn't he come ? Did he not even try because he thought she wouldn't come ? Did he underestimate her love for him again ? Or did he get some work related thing to do that he deemed more important than this unconfirmed dinner with her ?

Both options made her so hurt, and angry too. In the first case, he was making decisions on her behalf again, cowering to his insecurities and not even giving her a chance to have a say in the outcome of their relationship.

In the second, he was picking work over her again, back the the factory reset level robot he was, him pretending he would change for her was just fake words thrown in the air.

A huge part of her felt so hurt and angry that she didn't want to ever see him again, quietly pick up the pieces of the broken tiny rays of hopes that remained in her heart regarding him, like the dying amber of a wind blown candle.

But the hurt and indignation was so bad that Eda couldn't stop herself, no, she wouldn't let it go this easily this time, he would hear her anger and her wrath before she was the one that took the decision to end everything once and for all.

On that impulsive thought, she unlocked her phone and pressed on the green call button of his contact page.

Serkan almost startled with the shrill ring of his phone and the vibrations it made against the table.

He came here with the last hopes in his heart that Eda still had feelings for him and could one day forgive him for breaking up with her and lying to her.

He had seen longing for his touch when she cried after meeting the contractor the previous afternoon at her aunt's flower shop. He had seen a playful glint in her eyes, sign of their shared complicity as she talked with him after her speech for the charity.

Was there still hope for them ? He thought and willed so, with all his heart coming here. But as the clock ticked, each of the rays of hope he held in his heart were dying.

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