Chapter 2

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I seen Jen and ran up behind her
"Um excuse me You're in my way" I said in a high pitched annoying voice

"There so much space go aro-OH MY GOD LILY!!" She said when she fully saw me we hugged for about 5 minutes. Ugh I really missed her. It's been 10 years since we seen each other.
"I've missed you so much lily" she said still hugging me.

"I've missed you too Jen" I said. "How was your drive over?"

"It was good probably better than an plane" she said laughing.

"Oh for sure" I said also laughing. She helped me with my suitcases and walked to the car. I was excited to see her house. And tell her abt the guy I just met.

"Hey! I have a crazy idea!!" She said with a really really big smile

"Let me hear it" I said

"Okay so remember when we were 10 and we always talked about a YouTube channel?" She said "well I was thinking now that we are together we can start a channel!! We can be like Jen and lily or lily and Jen. I got my idea from my favorite YouTubers" she said

"Omg!! Yes!! Since you came up with the idea we can have your name first and if we can't agree on that we can pick a different name like...l&j's life" I said back.

"Oh my god I love that!!! We can set it up when we get home" she said screaming. On the way home we were blasting music. It felt good to be home...really good.

We got pulled in the drive way and her house was big. I was amazed because ofc it's way bigger than my house in Mexico.
"Wow your house is so pretty!! Do you live here  by yourself?" I asked looking at her house

"Thank you and yes which is why I'm super happy that I have a new roomie" she said hugging me. We walked in and I looked around it was a white house with wood floor. The furniture were a cream color. The TV was huge we went upstairs and she showed me to my room.
"Holy shit it's huge" I said with my eyes wide in shock looking at the walk in closet. I even had my own bathroom.

"Do you like it?" She said with a smile

"I love it!!" I said. The room was a very light pink which I love, the bed was white I had a vanity and nightstands. It was a dream room.

"I'll let you get settled in while I make brunch" she said leaving the room

I was fixing my clothes when I feel my phone buzz. I got excited remembering Colby. I took it out and seen it was my mom. She was asking if i liked the house. I replied to her and continued with my clothes. And my phone starts going off. I figured it was my mom calling but when I look at it I seen it was Colby.

"Hello?" I said answering the phone

"Hey lily it's Colby...well obv you knew that my name probably popped up at the top uh sorry that was stupid" he said nervously. That was cute.

"It's okay What's up" I said laughing

"I was wondering if u wanted to go get something to eat?" He said again nervously.

"Oh uh I would love too but my friend Jen just called me down for lunch...but I can tomorrow if you're okay with that" I said with a small smile

"Oh it's okay...and yeah tomorrow is good I'll text you what time I'll pick you up" he said bummed but happy.

"Okay yeah that sound good, I'll talk to you later" I said happily .

"Yeah bye lily" he said. I said bye and hung up.
Omg am I really going on a date with Colby!! Wait no it's not a date we're just getting lunch. Plus he didn't say a date. I went down stairs and sat at the table excited to tell Jen.

"Hey let's go sit in the living room I need you to watch 2 of my fav YouTubers" she said smiling.

"Hey, first I need to tell you something..." I trailed off. "So at the airport I bumped into someone and we exchanged numbers. He's super cute actually and he invited me to go eat with him tomorrow" I said with a smile

"Omg lily that's so cute!! What's his name and can I help u pick an outfit tmrw?" She said jumping

"His name is Colby and yes but not extra it's just 2 friends going for lunch" I said with a smile

"Colby? Colby what?" She said with a confused look.

"I'm not sure what his last name is...why?" I said confused.

"Hm I'm probably just over reacting but come on let's see Sam and Colby" she said all happy again.

"Sam and Colby? Imagine it's the same person" I said laughing.

"That would be CRAZY!!" She said turning on the tv. She started searching up the name while I was in the kitchen pouring myself something to drink.

"WHATS UP GUYS ITS SAM AND COLBY" I heard from the tv. I looked up and my mouth dropped.

"Are you okay? You look like u just seen a ghost" Jen said concern.

"Th-that's...the guy I'm talking about" I said in shock. I looked at her and she had the same face expression.

"You're fucking lying..." she said.

"...he didn't tell me anything about being famous which I don't blame him imagine all the people he has to deal with" I said. "Do you think he'll tell me?".

"I guess we'll find out tomorrow" she said clearly still shocked. "Maybe you should bring it up" she said starting to actually get excited.

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