Chapter 9

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"Colby...colby!!" I heard a loud whisper

"Hmm" was all that came out

"Wake up" I heard her say and I knew who it was. It was lily
I open my eyes and seen her standing a little over me.

"What time is it?" I said sitting up

" it's 12" lily said

"12?? What are you doing up?" I said

"Colby it's 12pm the next day" she said laughing.

"The next- what the fuck" I said standing up "I need to talk to you before I go"

"About what?" She said confused.

" so I'm filming a new series for Sam and colby...I'm leaving to Maryland tomorrow lily" I said "I was gonna tell you sooner but I didn't wanna make you feel worse"

"'s okay" she said "when do you come back?"

"I get back Saturday" I said

"Have you packed?" She said

"No? Not yet" I said confused on why she asked

"Good now I have an excuse to come over and meet your friends" she said with a big smile

"Yo-you wanna meet my friends?" I said excited

"I've been dying to!!  Especially the girl who was on your live" she said

"Oh that's kat and she's excited to meet you too sooo let's go" I said happy
We pulled up to Colby's drive way. Wow his house was huge...and beautiful.

"Ready?" Colby said grabbing my hand

"Yeah" I said and let out a deep breath

Colby opened the door and I immediately heard screaming. We walked in to the kitchen and I was behind colby so the wouldn't see me yet

"COOOOLBYYYY" I heard a girl say

"Hi kat" he said laughing "hey I want you guys to meet someone"
I come in view and everyone stared at me shocked
"Guys this is lily...Lily this is Sam, kat , jake, Tara, Corey, and devyn" he said pointing at everyone

"Hi guys it's nice to meet you" I said with a big smile. One of the girls cam running to me

"Hiiiiii I'm kat it's so nice to finally meet you!!" She said and hugged me "this is sam Colby's best friend, My boyfriend"
Sam came up to us and held his hand out I shook his hand and everyone one slowly came up to me. Everyone was so nice.

"Me and lily are going to go pack my clothes we'll be back in a bit" Colby said grabbing my hand and pulling me up stairs. He showed me to his room and we walked in and it was huge. He took a suitcase out his closet and a bunch of clothes he wanted to take. I helped him fold everything and stuffed his suitcase.

"So Maryland huh.." I said

"Yeah it's far but it'll go by fast" he said We heard some one knocking on the door

"Come in" Colby said looking at the door

"Hey colby we have a problem" they said

"What do you mean brother?"  Colby said

"Corey can't go on the trip...he just told us that he had to go to his home town..." he said

"What are we gonna do Sam? Are we going without him. We can cancel the trip and go when he comes back" Colby said

"The plane tickets and asylum tickets are non refundable..." Sam said "I talked to Corey and he said it was okay if we bring another person with us for that trip"

"Who would we bring?" Colby said

Idk if I'm crazy but why do I want them to ask me?

"I don't know...I was gonna ask if you knew anyone" Sam said

Colby looked at me and you can see the light bulb turn on

"Lily i know this sounds crazy but...would you want to go?" Colby asked

"You don't have to. You're aloud to say no" Sam said

"Oh I would love to!!" I said excitedly.

"Oh my god thank you" said Sam he came up to me and gave me a hug "we leave at 5 am tmrw can you be here at 4am?"

"Yeah ofc let me just go home and pack" I said

"I'll take you since we finished my suitcase" said colby

We went back to my house and we packed my suitcase. We told Jen everything and she was excited for me.

"Hey lily I have to get going"  Colby said

"I'll walk you out" I said. I walked him out and said bye I once again seen him driving off
I got back in the house and went to the living room
"Hey lily I was think of filming a video rn we can do a q&a so they can get to know us" Jen said

" omg yes!! Let me get the camera colby gave us " I said. I came down and we talked about the intro  until we got it.

"Okay ready?" I said. "Aaaaand recording"

"Hey guys im Lily and.." I said

"I'm Jen and welcome too..." jen said

"L&j's life" we said in sync

"Today we are filming a q&a. We asked some our friends to ask us personal questions and we are going to answer them" Jen said

"Let's start with the first one" I said  "how old are you and when Is your birthday"

"I'm 23 and my birthday is on august 24th" Jen said

"I'm 23 and my birthday is on June 15th" I said

"Ouu that's a couple of weeks" Jen said.

We asked more questions and finally finished.

"Thank you guys for watching I hope you liked our first video" jen said turning off the camera.

"I'm going to bed jen I have to wake up early tomorrow goodnight love you" I said

"Goodnight lily love you too" she said back

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