Chapter 10

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I was woken up by my alarm early in the morning.
"Ugh whyyyyy" i said half asleep
I grabbed my phone from my night stand I checked the time. 3:00 that gives me an hour before needing to be at Sam and Colby's. I though to myself.
I went on tiktok for 10 minutes before actually getting up. I brushed my teeth and showered. When I got out I made sure everything I need was packed. I put my charger and portable charger in a bag with other things. I grabbed my suitcase and put it next to the door. I made myself a coffee and checked the time and it was 3:50. I wrote a quick note to Jen and stuck it on the fridge. I grabbed my things and left.

I arrived at the trap house at 4:05. I texted Colby I was outside and I got out my car. He opened the door before I got there.
"Good morning" he said with a smile.

"Good morning" I said back and kissed his cheek. We walked in and seen sam and Jake sitting in the living room "good morning guys" I said walking in
"Good morning lily" they said back

"Are we ready to go?" Sam said grabbing his suitcase.

"Yeah I'm all ready" Colby said grabbing his suitcase

"Mmhm" was all jake could manage to say before getting up
"I'm ready too" I said laughing
We grabbed our things and headed to the Uber that had just got there. We put our suitcases in and got in the car. Sam was in the front and I was between jake and Colby. On our way to the airport jake leaned his head on my shoulder and fell asleep. About half an hour later we arrived at the airport and we got our thing and went to our section.

"I'm hungryyyyy" jake whined

"Meee toooooo" I whined back
The guys laughed and we started walking to a Starbucks in the airport. "Ouu I like Starbucks" I said happily.
After we got our things we heard the speaker turn on "flight 210 will be boarding in 20 minutes."

"We should get going to our flight by the time we get there we should start boarding" Sam said getting up from the chair. We agreed and got up, we threw our trash away and started walking to our plane. We got there 20 minutes later bc of how packed the airport is. We gave the flight attendant our tickets and we boarded the plane. I was sitting next to Colby and across was Jake and Sam. No one sat next to Colby or Sam. The flight attendants started going through the emergency exits and everything else.

"Are you ready to investigate your first haunted
place?" Colby said

"Honestly yeah I'm excited" I said with a smile.

"Really??" He said not expecting my response.

"Yeah. Back home there was a lot of haunted places. And I've experienced a lot of things" I said back to him
We landed in Maryland around 10:50. We grabbed our bags and got off the plane. We got a Uber and we went to a hotel to sleep for a bit.
"So how are we gonna do this? One room with 2 beds or do you guys want ur own room and me and Jake get another?" Sam said looking at me and Colby

"What ever is easier for you guys im okay with anything" I said looking at Sam and Colby.

"Uhh we can do two rooms" Colby said looking at me and smiling.

"Okay I'll go get the rooms then" Sam said before turning around

"Here I'll pay for mine and lilys" Colby said running to Sam.

Me and Jake followed behind them
"So are u and Colby like a thing?" Jake asked me

"Oh uh im not sure to be honest. We act like we are but he hasn't asked me yet" I said looking at him.

"I can tell he really likes you he's never been like this with anyone else" he said looking at Colby
It made me happy hearing that. I hope one day me and Colby are something and maybe even everything...

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