4- Missing Mother

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A week passed and it was a crazy week. Noahs grandma visited and thought that noah was the butler. That made maryanne cry with laughter when she first heard it. She and lin made sure to tease noah about it, always asking him to refill their glass or tidy their room. Another thing that happened, there was an investigation about the mysterious dick pic, and literally everyone in school has figured out who it was. Although, the students only figured it out because a teacher ended up being escorted off the premises by the police infront of the ENTIRE school.

Speaking of school, maryanne was really enjoying high school. She was popular. Not annoyingly popupar. But everyone seemed to like her although her friendship with lin had made some of the older girls slightly jealous.

Everything was going great until maryanne was in the car on the way home from school, after being told there was going to be a mother daughter dance. This was something she definitely wasn't looking forward to. Of course, she wouldn't be going. But all the other girls would no doubt be posting about it non stop, and she would be forced to see what could have been.

"You OK blondie? Normally can't get you to shut up. Haven't said a word since school," mickey asked, glancing at her as he drove

"I'm fine" she huffed, turning away from him

"Hey hey. Don't do that kid. If you start acting up because you're in a bad mood, then we won't be able to help. Now what's going on?" Mickey asked again

"I said I'm fine papa! Will you just drop it?" Maryanne didn't say anything else for the rest of the car ride home. The minute she got home, her bag was chucked onto the floor as she ran into her bedroom, slamming the door loudly

"Hey! Don't slam doors!" Ian yelled

"Fuck happened to her?" He asked mickey

"Fuck am I sposed know? She was just sat in the car sulking the whole ride home"

"You think she's being picked on?" Ian asked

"Better fucking not be. I'll go and smash the kids face in. I don't care who it is, I'll kill em," mickey raised his voice angrily

"Look, let's just give her time to cool off. Maybe she just had a bad grade or something. You know what she's like when a test doesn't go well" as ian said that, their was a knock on the door. He went to go and answer it and in walked lin

"Your brothers not here" Mickey asked. He only ever saw lin if he was picking noah up

"I didn't come for my brother. I was just wondering if G was alright after today. Couldn't have been easy for her," he said

"What the fuck happened at school man? She's been in a mood since I picked her up," mickey asked

"She didn't tell you? There's a mother daughter dance. It was announced today. Noah wanted to come and check she was OK but ma grounded him last night. You know my ma. No one can sneak past her," lin explained. It all made sense. It was horrible but understandable

"Well thank you for telling us. I don't think it's a good idea if you see her right now. She's pretty upset. I'll tell her you dropped by,"

"I understand. Just....just tell her that me and noah, we're not gonna let her sulk in her room during the dance. We're gonna go out and get shit faced" lin said before leaving. Mickey and ian looked at eachother

"What do we do now?"

"I have no fucking clue baby" mickey sighed with his head in his hands. After a few hours, maryanne went into the kitchen for her tea. Her eyes were red from crying as she sat down at the table

"Lin came round. Told us what happened. Said you, him and noah are gonna get shitfaced during the dance, take your mind off things," Ian told her

"I'm sorry" she whispered

"Why you sorry blondie? You ain't got nothing to be sorry for"

"I don't want you to think I don't love you. Because, I love you both so much and I'm trying really hard not to miss them but I can't help it and I'm sorry," maryanne had begun sobbing with her head in her hands. Ian wrapped his arm around her, rubbing her back and kissing her head softly

"Baby, this ain't your fault. You're allowed to miss your parents, it's only natural. They were incredible people and from what you've told us, the best fucking parents in the world. It's not fair that they're gone and I wish I could change it for you. I really do. Don't ever feel sorry for missing them. OK? Never apologise for that." Mickey told her, stroking her hair back as she nodded. Maryanne didn't say much after that. They just ate their tea and then decided to put a film on.

"She asleep?" Mickey whispered to Ian as maryanne was lay on his chest. Ian looked over and smiled, nodding his head

"You think Debbie would take her to the dance? Or fiona or-"

"No, it isn't the same. She doesn't want to go to the fucking dance, she just doesn't want everyone else to be with their mom's when her mom is dead" mickey said, his hand rubbing her back softly

"I'll take her to bed. We should go sleep aswell. It's half 2," Ian suggests. He stands up and reaches over towards mickey, lifting maryanne off his chest and carrying her towards her bedroom. Once in her bedroom, he tucked her under the covers and gave her a kiss to the forehead

"I'm sorry sweetheart" he whispered. Ian felt bad, like it was his fault. Maryanne could've had a mother and a father, but instead she got two dad's. He began questioning adopting another baby.

Everyone was soon in bed. But as time went on, maryanne woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. Putting on her slippers, she walked across the hall and into Ian and mickeys bedroom. Climbing in the middle of them, maryanne cuddled closer to mickey

"You alright?" Ian whispered as mickey was still snoring

"I want my mummy." Her voice broke as she said that, a few tears rolling down her cheeks. Ian put his arm over her and mickey, holding them close

"I know sweetheart. But she's watching over you. And she'd be so proud of you," Ian told her, kissing her forehead before they both allowed sleep to consume them

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