Chapter 4 - The Kings Right Hand Man

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When someone answered the Den-Den Mushi, Luffy heard a familiar voice. It is one of the 3 top admiral's in his past 'Kuzan(Aokiji)'

Luffy remember everything Aokiji did. He's the one who killed his grandpa in his past life and also the reason one of his crewmates died. After fighting the Marines the Strawhats was attacked, kuzan with his new crew the 'Blackbeard' pirates ambushed the Strawhats and ended up killing one of the strawhats member.

After telling kuzan his name, kuzan handed the Den-Den Mushi to Luffy's Grandpa 'Garp'. Luffy then asked garp to take Arlong and Give the Bounty to the Villagers.

Luffy then told Nami and Nojiko that he'll be back when he's 17 to get them and they'll start their adventure at that time. Luffy used Geppo and Gear 2 like usual to Fly(walk)

A Few Hours Later...

Luffy arrived at His best friends Hometown the 'Shimotsuki Village'. Although Zoro was born and raised in East Blue, his lineage traces back to Wano Country. Zoro specifically hails Shimotsuki Village, where he trained in swordsmanship under the village's dojo master, Koshiro. with his Rival koshiro's daughter, zoro's childhood friend 'Kuina'.

After landing on the island Luffy walked for a few minutes. After walking for a few minutes he then heard a voice. Luffy then saw a familiar face, although he's still a child it is definitely his Mosshead Best friend, first mate and his Right hand man Zoro.

Zoro who lost to his childhood friend 'kuina' was Cooling off his head by swinging his shinai(Bamboo sword) while mumbling "I won't lose next time, I'll make sure I win next time!". Luffy then Shouted.

Luffy: Yo!!!

Zoro: Who are you?!

Luffy: I'm luffy, and you? :D

Zoro: ...Zoro...

Luffy: what are you doing here all alone???(he already know the answer)

Zoro: I'm training, now get lost.

Luffy then stayed there the entire time not listening to what Zoro said.

Luffy: Hey, Do you have food???

Zoro: I don't have any, and also didn't i said that you get lost?!

Luffy: tsk, Cheapskate!

After half an hour Zoro gave up and ended up taking Luffy to the dojo to eat with the other students. After that they walked to the cliff beside the sea.

Luffy: why are you training so hard anyways Zoro???

Zoro: ...I have a dream, but I think the first thing I must do in order to achieve it is to defeat her.

Luffy: her??? A girl???Who is she???

Zoro: kuina... She's the daughter of master koshiro who's the owner of the dojo.

Luffy: I see...

Luffy:... Zoro... What if I tell you that there's a way for you to defeat her?

Zoro: what is it???

Luffy: Let me train you and you'll surely defeat her...

Zoro: Haha are you joking?

Luffy then took out a sword named 'Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi' (isn't really a katana. It looks like the sword cultivator's use)then unleashed a 'Tobu Zangeki'(Flying Slash) to cut the cliff beside the sea.

I forgot to add it to the past chapters but Luffy have a bag where he puts all of the items and weapons he got for his crew

Zoro was shocked, happy and excited at the same time since he found a way to become stronger to beat Kuina. Zoro then accepted Luffy's proposal and immediately asked him to start the training.

A Few Hours Later...

Luffy started by teaching Zoro the basics of combat, such as footwork, dodging, and basic sword techniques. He then encourage him to work on his physical strength and stamina, helping him with exercises and showing him how to improve his endurance.

In addition, Luffy taught Zoro the value of determination and perseverance. He then told the young Zoro that with enough hard work and practice, he can overcome any obstacle and achieve greatness.

Luffy also engaged Zoro in numerous sparring matches to help him master existing techniques and familiarize himself with new ones.

Luffy also imparted his own philosophy on life, encouraging Zoro to follow his dreams and to never give up, no matter how difficult the path may seem. He encouraged Zoro to never lose sight of his goals, and to always believe in himself.

Luffy was also training Zoro in the art of haki. Zoro was eager to learn and Luffy was the perfect mentor since Luffy is a master of all three types of Haki.

They sat together on the Dojo. Luffy began by explaining the different types of haki. Zoro listened intently, taking in every word. He knew that haki was a powerful tool, and he was determined to master it.

After 2 Months...

Zoro's able to use armament haki now but still not that good at it. But After training for another month Zoro got used to armament and observation but still not used to conquerors haki. Luffy then decided to teach Zoro how to imbued things with haki.

Luffy then demonstrated how to put haki to things, showing Zoro how to focus his energy and channel it into his surroundings. Zoro watched in awe as Luffy's body became enveloped in a red and black aura while his hands and the bamboo sword turned dark.

"Wow!" exclaimed Zoro. "That's amazing!"

Luffy smiled. "It's all about focus and concentration," he said. "You have to believe in yourself and your abilities."

Zoro nodded, taking Luffy's words to heart. He closed his eyes and began to gather his energy to his bamboo sword. Slowly but surely, he felt his aura grow stronger.

Luffy encouraged him, offering tips and suggestions along the way. Zoro's determination and effort paid off, as he eventually learned to imbued his sword with haki.

"Now, you're unstoppable, but you'll still have to train your haki to make it tougher and stronger" Luffy said with a grin.

Zoro was thrilled. He could feel the power coursing through his body, and he knew that he had Luffy to thank for helping him achieve this level of mastery.

From that day forward, Zoro and Luffy practiced haki together every day. Zoro continued to grow stronger as time passes.

Throughout their training sessions, Luffy would provide constant encouragement and support, always pushing Zoro to push his limits and strive for greatness. By the end of their training, Zoro would undoubtedly become a much stronger and confident warrior, ready to face his Childhood friend Kuina.

To Be Continued...

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