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You were my everything.

There's a voice in me that

(gets stronger every passing day)

Urges me to stop you

When you walk by me every day.

It's a shame, really;

The little voice doesn't know just how much

I want to do that.

You look at me more often nowadays.

During lunch today,

You were staring again.

Why are you staring?

Your friends are going to tease you again.

One of them came up to

Me, yesterday.

We had a surprisingly pleasant conversation;

As pleasant as a truce can be.

I think

It's finally time for me to move on.

Why are you still staring at me?

(me of all people. i'm not that special.)

You deserve more.

That friend of yours,

She's lovely.

I don't think our cat likes her though;

How strange.

(i have to go.)

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