You arrived a blushing mess.

But I love that about you.

You looked so nervous,

You couldn't even meet my gaze.

I had to get really close for you to even

Look at me,

And even then your eyes just widened,

Before you looked away hurriedly.

I laughed quietly because it was cute.

You're cute.

I said so, and

You flushed an even darker pink.

We watched a Netflix crime documentary,

And I joked that you could kill me,

And that I would still think

You were wonderful.

You stared at me with such love in your eyes,

And I fell silent.

You opened and closed your mouth

Many times.

Kind of like a goldfish.

(my favourite goldfish. always.)

I could feel your hesitance.

We've always had a connection.

I still didn't know what to expect, though.

With you,

It's always something new.

A strand of hair fell in front of my eyes;

You brushed it away.

I'm writing this all in my head,

As I feel your breath on my lips.

What a feeling.

(i love you.)

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