You almost kissed me yesterday.

Today's the weekend, so I can spend all day

Thinking about Us.

I was captivated by you.

I had to force myself to look away.

Your gaze was on me the entire time —

How bold of you —

And I felt it when you leaned close.

My heart was racing.

As I'm thinking of it now,

My heart beats faster too.

I wonder if you heart beats faster around me too.

Like before.

I still love you.

It shocks me to write such a thing,

Even in my own head.

You never said it back,

Did you?

That makes me falter a little bit;

Because what if you still don't love me,

And all this while

It's just been me,

Hopelessly in love with you.

We've never been in love.

It was just

Me in love with you.

(i still love you.)

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