I was late to school today,

So when I walked into class,

I was surprised when I saw how relieved

You were to see me.

I'm not sure why I'm surprised.

We've gotten so much closer again.

It's been 7 months since our departure again.

Since you moved out of our apartment.

We still haven't had a proper talk.

I'm wondering if I should invite you over,

For a talk this time,

Not Our project.

Our project.

My heart feels full again.

You greeted me happily,

And in turn I told you why I was late.

It feels like this is working out.


We could work out.

Maybe this time we can make it work.

I'm willing to let you in,

I really am

(since I never stopped loving you anyways);

So maybe I should be braver.

For you.

(i still love you.)

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