you don't get a say in what I do

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Gunshots echoed through the woods, and the sound made him feel like he was the one being shot.

But he wasn't.

Not yet.

"Seems like Sean got to your wife out there," said Lance; one of the assholes he'd been stuck in a room with.

He'd woken to his three roommates and Sean pointing either guns or knives at him. Was it unexpected? No. Had Laura warned him he might be in danger that night and to not fall asleep? Yes, she had. But he was getting old, and his bed was warm...

And now he was stuck on his damned knees in the snow, a cold blade to his throat, and Laura possibly dead. He hoped to god she wasn't, but he couldn't stop the sinking feeling in his stomach. The one that told him she was the one on the receiving end of those fucking bullets.

"Still not going to say anything, old man?" Lance asked. Joel just stared at the tree line, in the direction the gunshots had come from. Come on, Laura. Surely with her stubbornness she wasn't going to let Sean beat her.

"How do you think Sean will want to dispose of this one?" One of the other men nudged him in the back with their foot as they spoke.

"Don't know, we could just leave him out here without anything, let him freeze to death." The third man said. Joel flexed his hands by his sides, trying to keep warmth in his fingertips for when he'd have to fight his way out of this. Because whether Laura was alive or not, he wouldn't go quietly.

"I think it'll probably be more of a simple shooting situation, boys," Lance said as he knelt in front of Joel. "What do you think it's going to be?" Joel just stared ahead, straight through Lance. If Sean had been the one to win the fight before then he should have been here by now. "Scared of the end, are we?"

Joel shifted his eyes to Lance, and shook his head. "No, are you?"

"Oh, he speaks!" Lance stood up, his hands in the air like a dramatic fucking teen. "And it seems like he's trying to threaten us."

"If Sean had won against Laura he would be here already, we aren't that far out from Haven." Joel pointed out as Lance walked behind him once more with the other two.

"Lance, he has a point." The one holding the knife said, and the pressure against his neck eased slightly. If the other two could be dealt with he could easily flip the situation with this idiot... Laura, where the fuck are you?

"What? Do you two think that Sean lost to that geriatric bitch?" Geriatric? Laura had a total of ten grey hairs on her head, how could anyone think-

"Silver!" He heard shouted from the tree line, from Laura's sweet voice, and he didn't waste a second to move. Instinct told him it wasn't a warning for danger, but an instruction to attack, so he did so as he heard a wave of gunshots behind him.

He caught the wrist of the man holding a knife to his throat and easily took the knife in their confusion. His knees screamed as he stood, but he didn't have the time to listen to them, not when he used the blade and stabbed into the chest of the person he'd taken the knife from.

Not when he turned to look at how he could help Laura, only to see the other two had been dealt with. She crept out from the tree line, a military rifle lifted in front of her as her light eyes took in the clearing. Fuck, she looked like an ethereal spirit of death.

"Are you okay?" She asked, her gun kept up as she walked towards him.

"Yeah, are you?" He replied, she nodded and finally lowered the gun. "How many guns do you have on you right now?" He asked as she threw his bag onto the ground between them.

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