The Aftermath

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As soon as the match was over, everyone had some time to reassess the situation. The building was completely destroyed and there was a robot carrying my partner on a stretcher. It must have been him that created that big blast, and for that it made me not respect him even further. Standing there, staring at the wall waiting for them to check my injuries on site, it made me think that I really hate recklessness.

I was given bandages for my hands since my claws were the main cause of my pain. Then we all headed to the monitoring room where we would discuss the battle as a class.

"Well despite the results, the MVP of this exercise in Young Iida!" All Might projects.

I swear to god I've never wanted to punch a hero more than I have All Might.

The class all gasped wondering why the hero had chosen a villain as the MVP and wanted the class to guess. And of course ponytail pick me raised her hand.

Why did she have her eyes closed? Okay....

"Iida embraced and truly adapted to his assigned role. Bakugo's judgement was clouded by a personal grudge against Midoriya. Launching a large scale attack indoors? Not a smart move, and Midoriya's left him helpless. Kumi could've used her time more wisely in this exercise, for she was just standing there watching her opponents fight for the first half..." Ponytail babbles on.

This upset me.

I start to run up on her and Bakugo holds me back, "Look here ponytail bitch!"

"Young Kayama!" All Might gasps.

"I definitely did better than YOU ever could. I assessed the situation between my partner and the opponent, and when I thought it was safe for me to go...I did. What if Midoriya got beaten to bits before I got to the weapon? I would have to fight two on one! I almost took down Iida, FIRST TRY. If it weren't for Deku's stupid fucking cyclone we would've won 3 minutes in!" I yelled at her to prove her wrong.

This wasn't right. All Might is so stupid, and so are his students.

I shrug the arms off that were holding me back. I hiss at the class that was staring at me like I was insane and then walked away.

I don't really care about the rest of the students and their trials and I don't care if I'm required to stay.

In the middle of my impromptu trip to Papa Nezu's office, I bump into someone with purple hair. I've never seen a purple so vibrant.

"Sorry for bumping into you. Nice hair though." I keep on walking.

"Thanks Kitten." He says softly.

I quickly turn around and look at him like he has two heads. I must not have heard him correctly.

"Did you say Kitten? Do you know who I am?" I'm so confused.

The lavender headed boy chuckles, " I don't know you...but your ears and tail stick out, pretty girl."

And that makes me feel like the most stupid cat in the planet. I look away in shame and start to walk away.

"Hey, come back. You seem cool. I'm Shinso, I'm in the general department for now." He jogs just to catch up with me.

This is interesting.

"For now?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna get into the hero course someday."

"Well you can have my spot, shit. It's such a waste of effort."

"Who are you? And why do you think that way?"

"I'm Kumi, daughter of pro hero Midnight."

I walked faster than ever before so he couldn't catch me. One, because I didn't wanna talk anymore. And two, to look mysterious. And soon I was at Papa Nezu's open office door. There he is at his desk just smiling at me with paperwork in his hands. We both don't say anything while I put all the chairs in a row for a makeshift bed. Then I get to snoozing.

My sleep was interrupted by a loud knock on Papa Nezu's door. My eyes opened and there was my mom in all of her angry glory. I'm not really listening to her yelling, I just know it's the same thing over and over that she's told me over a hundred times whenever I 'act out'.

So my nap was short-lived and I had to change back into my uniform so I could go back to class (which I didn't want to do). And once I got back, no looks were sent my way except Kirishima with his bright smile. I waved at him a little and sat down at my own desk, only so I could nap again.

But before I got the opportunity, Deku walked in and everyone in the class was causing a commotion. I was hearing them tell him that he was brave, strong, and that he had a nice quirk. Why had he gained respect for being reckless? That's one thing I'd never understand. If you have a big flashy power, it doesn't mean its the best or most necessary for the situation. But that's all people care about these days, especially in the hero world. And I guess that's why part of me doesn't know if I want to be a hero anymore.

Next thing I knew, I grabbed my stuff and walked out the door. What else did they have to teach me today, anyway? Do they have anything to teach me in the first place?

In the corner of my eye, I see Deku run out of the classroom and it just makes me wonder what's so important. I mean his shit is BROKEN. But...we move.

I head to teachers lounge to let my mom know I'm headed home alone and she tells me to get there safely.

I hear some slight whispering between her, All Might, and Uncle Mic.

"I'm just worried about Young Kayama."

Worry about deez nuts, All Might.

The anger was just creeping on me and I had to pick up my walking pace a bit cause I needed to get out of UA and fast before I lose my mind. I then spot Bakugo and Deku talking to eachother so I try to stay out of it.

But not before I hear, "This is a borrowed power!"

Yeah, I bet it is...cause he sucks at using it.

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