Stand Up

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wc: 2k

"A very very interesting match between the offspring of two pro's right here at UA High! We have class 1-A's prodigy and son of pro-hero Endeavor...Todoroki Shouto!"

Fuck he's gonna be hella mad and wanna fight even more now, thanks Uncle Mic.

The crowd roars once they see the stoic boy enter the arena space.

"Versus..... another class 1-A prodigy and daughter of teacher and pro hero Midnight...Kayama Kumi!" As soon as I hear the words come out his mouth, I put on my game face and check my claws which have already extended out.

Walking out to all the cheering was normal but I knew I was gonna feel the pressure. Cold is a weak spot for me, I just hope I don't show it.

He's long distance range and I'm a short distance fighter, so let's get close to him.

As soon as the fight starts, a wave of ice gets thrown towards me.

I hope this isn't a game of cat and mouse. Well I hope it is and I'm the cat.

The ice barreling in waves gives me the idea to dodge and run towards Todoroki's side of the arena where he also blasts ice towards the direction of my feet.

Jump up. Use your claws and land on your hands.

Oh shit I didn't think I'd jump this high...

Todoroki makes a slippery pillar of ice with a slide attached right under my feet, most likely hoping that I'll slip and my jumping power will deceive me. (he made an ice slide guys he just wants to play)

While falling I use one of my hands, claws extended, to latch onto the other side of the pillar and bring myself to a slow stop. My feet still on the side of the pillar, I use some of my jumping power and it cracks some of the ice.

Okay....I can work with this.

Detaching my claws from the now punctured ice, I swing myself in Shouto's direction and ice is still being thrown at me, while I'm in the air.

Dude tf do u dodge that.


I swing my legs in the direction of the ice and hope my back takes the brunt of my fall. I need to take in more kinetic energy to store it in my legs. The weight of the ice shoves me back almost to the edge of the arena and I can sense Shouto coming towards me. All I can worry about is being in the boundaries so I get up off my back and start crawling, my claws buried deep in Shouto's ice that has yet to melt off the ground.

I want him to come to me because I am a close combat fighter but I also don't want him to trap me on the ground. I have to get behind him, to where he can't see me. I hide behind most of the ice that's left and I fear that Shouto knows where I am.

Using my stealthy and flexible cat skills, I leap from an ice pillar to an ice boulder and so forth. I have a clear spot of Todoroki who is still facing where I once was. I'm pretty close.

I have to rush him.

Running in from the side with maximum jumping power in my legs I get behind him pretty fast to swipe my claw into his back.

Turning around, Shoto begins to duck and stick out his hand that throws ice which makes me assume he wants to get my feet.


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