1. Egotistic

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No one saw it coming.
More specifically, no one saw her coming.

    The game between Japan's women's U-20 and England's had been one that was not anticipated. The English had the upper hand in terms of strength and knowledge. They were some of the best in the world, and Japan was not. So just how the hell did they lose?



    Running as fast as possible, England's forward sped towards the open goal. Cries erupted from Japan's side of the arena, grieving their soon-to-be loss. With only two minutes left on the clock and a score of 4-4, the chances were, if England scored this goal, it would be the downfall for Japan.

    "NO!" Shouted a few of the women. Tears pricked their eyes, refusing to admit defeat after training tirelessly for so long.

    Two of the British women laughed in glee, finding amusement in the pathetic expressions of their opposing team. "Must suck to suck!" One of them rolled her eyes. The other snickered, sprinting to protect the team's forward from any robbers.

   The forward glided across the field, dopamine pulsing through her veins—she was running on pure adrenaline. Her heart was beating out of her chest—the goal was was right there. So close. So, so close!

Faster, she ran. She tuned out the world around her. But, something happened that made her pause. She felt a slight breeze flush her face, something that she would have normally brushed off as wind. Yet, something in her gut told her there was something wrong. Her brows furrowed in confusion. 'What was—?'

One second.
One second of hesitation was all she needed.

Before she knew it, the ball was gone from her grasp. Her green eyes widened in horror. What the hell just happened? She whipped her head around as fast as she could, barely managing to spot a flash of (H/C) running the opposite way.

Everyone on the field was stunned to silence. Each and everyone one of their eyes could barely follow the figure that was speeding away. The first to get brought back was the blonde forward, who cried out in anger. 'No the fuck you don't!' She thought furiously.

She ran and ran, but by the time she caught up, it was too late.

The whistle blew, a voice yelling out "GOAL!" following seconds after. And, as if a domino affect had taken place, the alarm indicating the end of the game went off as well. The scoreboard read 4-5. England had lost.

The crowd was dead silent, unable to comprehend what had just happened in front of their own eyes.

The mysterious figure turned around to face the shocked expressions of the women on the field. Her pink lips turned upright, curling into a shit-eating grin. "Another point for me~." She hummed. The crowd went absolutely wild. Rivers of tears were shed. The Japanese cried out in joy, unbelieving of the miracle they had as their teammate.

The blonde never once took her eyes off of the smirking woman. And, though her eyes were covered by long (H/C) bangs, the British player could still feel her eyes burning into her fair-skinned face. In a blind fit of rage, she stormed her way over, grabbing the Japanese woman by her jersey.

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