6. Unexpected Meeting

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(A/N: both hate and love Sae. like kiss me but also I wanna beat ur ass 🤨)
(A/N x2: sorry for the confusion if you saw that I published the chapter twice! Made some corrections to the grammar)

It had been a few days since (Y/N) had first gotten into contact with Nagi. She found him interesting, to say the least. He was a talented boy that had tremendous potential, she knew that. And, yet, he was a sloth. 'How unfortunate,' She thought. 'If he's planning on going into the big leagues, he has to work on his stamina because, damn, it's shitty.' Though some part of the girl refused to admit it, she was looking forward to the day where she could him play, real time.

Anri and Ego had sent the teen a couple of clips of the players gameplay, seeking her opinion. They thought it'd be a good idea to hear her input, considering she was their age and would be able to relate better. Her input ending up helping the two adults exceptionally.

So, really, she was no stranger to Nagi's play style. In fact, she somewhat found it impressive. An entire 52/100 points in her book. Which is impressive considering he's still a newbie.

(Y/N)'s plans for the day consisted of her visiting her father, it had been about two weeks since she had last seen his face. She was excited, of course, but dreading actually getting to the Blue Lock Centre. 'God, the stink is going to be unbearable.'

A loud beep caught her attention. She looked outside her train car window, watching as the vehicle slowly came to a stop at her station. She rushed out, hating the stench that the crowded cart exuded. She released a heavy breath of relief as she sat down at one of the many benches outside the station.

She was waiting for Anri, who was going to be driving her the rest of the way to the facility. According to what (Y/N) knows so far about the actual location of the site was pretty much non existent. All she knew was that its in the middle of nowhere—somewhere over the rainbow.

She sighed, leaning back and stretching out her muscles. Her tank top slipped off her shoulders but she hastily readjusted it. Though, her movements were interrupted by the sound of a slap. Startled, she looked for the source of sound, finding a fuming teen girl, around her age, and... a middle aged man?

The girl began to scream and cry as she stormed off, "you cheater!" She bawled. The dude just stood there, dumbfounded and embarrassed at the scene she caused.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes. 'Cheating? And that age gap is just yuck.' She caught the man's eyes, and was taken aback by his heterochromia. She glanced away, feeling herself getting angry just looking at him. 'To stoop so low...' She huffed as she grabbed her stuff and walked off from the station's entrance.

The ebony-haired teen stared at the (H/C)ette's back in defeat, 'Well, that's just great. Now more people think I'm a cheater.' He thought solemnly. He hadn't even done anything to make the girl (who he never recalled ever being in a relationship with, mind you), mad. He merely glanced in the direction of (Y/N) the same moment her tank top straps slipped. He scratched his neck. "Let's just hope my reputation doesn't go to ruin..." he sweatdropped.

A pale, yellow Mini Cooper pulled up beside the teen. Her jaw slacked at how cute the car was. 'Wow, that's actually really fitting.' She grinned politely and got into the vehicle. Something she noticed right away was how formally Anri was dressed. It wasn't a bad thing, per se. Just surprising because from what she was aware of, Anri was just picking her up for the day.

The woman greeted her with a bright smile, "Hello again! How have you been? Your studies not troubling you too much, I hope?" (Y/N)'s face flushed at her inquiries. 'Huh...she's really considerate..' Shaking off her thoughts, she shook her head. "No, everything has been fine! Thank you for your concern..."

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