2. Training Camp

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The ride home had been, for the most part, silent. (Y/N) had fallen fast sleep, leaving Ego the only one awake.

He looked into his rear view mirror, catching a glimpse of his sleeping daughter. He noticed her bangs were still covering her eyes, and softly pushed them to the side. He unnoticeably smiled seeing her shuffle at his touch. 

The pads of his fingers tapped against the steering wheel rhythmically as his mind played a conversation he had with her only minutes before on loop. His eyes narrowed in thought. 


"Hey, 'Pops," the (H/C)ette began once they got into their car. Ego hummed, using his shirt to wipe his glasses clean.

(Y/N) took his glasses from him, and took a handkerchief out from her pocket. "That woman from earlier. She's been the one trying to contact you." Wiping the lenses clean, she handed back his glasses. He thanked her, before rolling his eyes at what she said.

"I know. And I'm not interested. There is nothing appealing to me about her or her work." He started the car, un-cuffing the buttons on his sleeves. He continued, "She works for the Japanese Football Association—they're all shit."  He started counting his fingers. "The players are shit, their gameplay is shit, the coaches are shit, the management is shit, the entire association is just a flaming pile of stinky shit."

"You do realize I'm now apart of the association now, 'Pops? You calling me shit?" (Y/N) questioned, amused. Ego shook his head. "No, you have more skill than they could even dream of. They're all just stepping stones for you, my unpolished gem."

(Y/N) grinned, flashing him her pearly whites. "How very broad of you, 'Pops." He tilted his head, "This shouldn't be a surprise to you." She laughed softly, "'Course not."

She decided to look out side her window and stare at the passing cars. It was silent for a moment before she spoke up again.

"I think you should pick up the calls." Ego looked a little horrified at her words. "No. They can fuck off."

(Y/N) shook her head. "Listen to me." He stayed silent, waiting for her to continue.

"I think Anri-chan is planning something." She muttered. Ego's expression remained blank. He glared at her from the corner of his glasses. "What do you mean 'something'?" He inquired.

His daughter shook her head. "Don't know. But my gut is telling me that it's something you won't regret."

He rested his chin between his thumb and index finger."Hmm..okay. I'll call her back then."

She blinked. "Hm, for reals, 'Pops?"

"Yes," he spoke. "Keep this in mind, daughter. A true egoist always trusts their gut. Those who don't are a pathetic waste of potential."


After arriving to their house, he gently shook (Y/N) awake again. She mumbled tiredly, stretching her limbs. "Oh, sorry. Didn't realize I fell asleep." She pushed the bangs out of her face, revealing her jewel-like irises.

He pat her head. "You're fine."

Ego watched as his daughter opened the entrance to their home, walking out of his view. As soon as she was gone, he picked up his phone and dialed a number. He messed around with his blunt, dark hair as he let it ring. Barely a few moments went by before it was picked up eagerly.

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