4. Blue Lock

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It was strange for (Y/N), having to watch her father pack up his belongings. The reality had begun to set in that her father would be leaving her for god knows how long. The two had never been apart longer than a day, so this change was certainly something new. And, admittedly, it made her a little anxious.

Of course, Ego had insisted that she come along and stay with him at the Blue Lock building. He wasn't planning on allowing her to stay at home, ALONE, for weeks or possibly months on end. But, she argued that she still had to get an education somehow. On top of that, it would be a nightmare getting to and from her team's practice.

After some time, he reluctantly gave in to her demands. He's in denial about it, but he's a pushover when it comes to (Y/N).

The Jinpachi household isn't filthy rich, but they certainly do have connections. Ego may or may not have made a few calls politely requesting (threatening) people, whom are in debt to him, that they are to watch over his daughter while he is away or else they would regret it. He only hung up after they began to cry.

Either way, he was relieved to know that his daughter was in competent hands.

On the other hand, (Y/N) had been telling the truth about how she couldn't miss school or practice. After all, both were a huge part of her life. However, she did leave out the largest reason as to why she did not want to join her father over at Blue Lock. 'The testosterone levels would be suffocating.'

Despite (Y/N) not staying at Blue Lock full time, she will go to visit her father every now and then. After all, it's only natural that she should miss him, regardless of her mask of indifference.


Around noon the next day, the two Jinpachi's pulled up to the Japanese Football Union. All the scouted members for Blue Lock should have gotten their letters of recognition at this point, and it was now time to see who would be willing to give up their entire lives to football.

(Y/N)'s heart was racing in anticipation, her normally stoic, (S/T) face flushed in excitement. She bit her lip. 'There's going to be so many egoists here, I can't wait to see them all go head to head.'

Ego smacked her across the head. She inhaled sharply. "The fuck was that for, 'Pops!?" He stared at her incredulously. "Don't get too excited, Daughter," he turned in and parked the car. "We haven't even gotten started."

The two of them walked into the building, being immediately greeted by the sight of a professionally dressed Anri. She held a clipboard tightly to her chest. "It's finally time." She smiled.

The three of them walked onto an empty stage, a single curtain shielding them away from hundreds of voices. (Y/N) hummed in confusion, "They're all here already?" She questioned herself. Anri seemed to hear her, responding, "Oh, yes. They all seemed to arrive exceptionally early, if that's what you were wondering."

Ego placed a cold hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder, facing the brunette woman. "Are all 300 of them here?" She nodded. "Yes, Ego-san. I've been keeping track to make sure." After spending so much time with the father and daughter, Anri had decided to drop the last name use as it had gotten confusing over time.

The two adults continued to talk, boring the teenage girl out of her mind. She decided to take a peep out of the curtain, just to see if she recognized any of the faces from the files.

Luckily, the lights by the curtain had been dimmed. So even if anyone looked over her direction, no one would be able to see the small portion of (H/C) that peeked it's way out. 

Her (E/C) eyes glazed over the crowd of boys, pointing out which ones she knew, and which ones she didn't. She made some very serious, professional, mental notes along the way.

'Whoever did that dude's eyeliner needs to step up their game. It's total shit.' She thought, staring haphazardly at a guy with spiky blonde and pink hair.

'That guy looks like he's about to piss himself. Or cry. Maybe both.' She cringed at a tall, dark haired teen with huge green eyes. He was uncontrollably shaking. She looked away after deciding she pitied him.

'And this dude— oh, never mind. He's fine. I like his hair.' Her focus changed to a shorter male who had fluffy hair, and long bangs like hers that cover his eyes. 'I wonder how he plays—does he use his hair to shield away his eyes?  I'll look into him later.'

Her next victim was a guy with...tall hair? 'The fuck? How?' Her right eye twitched. 'Kinda want to destroy him in a game, and see if his hair still defies gravity then.'

Her eyes finally landed on two males. She was about to call them out on their bullshit, but as her eyes scanned the purple haired one of the two, she paused. Her grip on the curtains loosened and her view of them disappeared, her hand dropping to her side. Her eyes widened. 'Oh, he's cute.'

Anri, who had finished talking to Ego as he needed to get the microphones ready, noticed the sudden action. Her eyes softened in worry. She reached out, "Hey, are you alright ( Y/N)-Chan?" The teen stiffened at her voice, but relaxed once seeing that it wasn't her father. "Yeah, I'm fine."

The woman stared at her, as if trying to decipher a code. She looked at the curtain, and then back to the teen at hand. As if a lightbulb went off, she lit up. "Awwh, you saw a cute boy, didn't you!" (Y/N) became shy at this. "Huh, what? Wait—!"

"Done." Ego's head popped up from behind Anri's short figure. The two women gasped, one substantially louder than the other. He gave the two of them odd looks. "What the hell?" He deadpanned. "Anyways, I'm starting now." Anri nodded swiftly, grabbing the (H/C)ette's hand and dashing out of view. She flicked a few switches, turning off all the lights except for the one that lit up the stage. Gasps of shock were heard from the other side of the curtain.

She pointed her well pedicured nails over to a pulley, quietly requesting (Y/N) to tug on it. Going through with her request, she did as asked, and opened the curtains. She and Anri stood off to the side silently as her father began his speech.

As her father continued to talk, the boys' at times would call out and interrupt him. It pissed (Y/N) off. A lot. She wanted to go out there and show them who they were talking to, but Anri, being the bigger person, held her back from doing anything she might have regretted in the future.

Still, she had to scoff at the stupidity of some of the teens. She wrapped her arms around her figure, glaring at the crowd from behind the view of the curtain.

'Fucking pathetic. Giving up a future in football just to play nice-nice with your Highschool team of nobodies?'  God, it infuriated her how ridiculous some of these people were. She glared at a boy with platinum-blonde hair specifically.

Her condescending thoughts were cut short by the sound of running footsteps and panting. She guided her gaze up just in time to allow her (E/C) eyes to meet blue.

Her face dropped in surprise before laughing silently to herself. 'And here we have it, folks,' She watched as hundreds of boys followed the original indigo haired boy's path.

'The program that will bring out the worst in the best,'

'Dig out the true egoists of this shit-hole football country...'

'...has finally begun.'

sorry for the shorter chapter today! super tired from classes. we'll be getting character interaction very soon!

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