13. Boy Prison (+1)

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(A/N): So I went to the movie theater to watch the haikyuu movie that just came out (which was INCREDIBLE and so freaking funny hello 😭) and I genuinely started tweaking tf out when the Blue Lock movie trailer started being advertised in the previews...

my friend who I was watching the movie with thought I was gonna bust everywhere (her words, not mine). Anyway, did anyone else have absolutely NO IDEA there was a movie being made? AND ITS ABOUT NAGI????? guys...😩


(Y/N) groaned, rubbing her face harshly with her hand. "You've got to be fucking kidding me!" She glared at her father. 

Ego continued typing away at his laptop, seemingly unbothered. However, the agitated twitches of his fingers gave away his true feelings regarding the situation. His daughter, unfortunately, did not notice.

He spoke, "I'm dead serious. I thought you would have known that," He spun around in his chair, black hues meeting matching (E/C) ones. "You're intelligent enough to know when I'm being sarcastic, why now do you doubt?" He meant with no true harm in his words—instead, it was his awful attempt at a joke. However, it only pissed the teenager off more.

She scoffed. "You really expect me to throw away my entire life—and a decent enough team, to just..." she waved her arms around frustratingly, "...what? Assist you in this project that I, for one, literally have nothing to do with! And two, don't want to have anything to do with?" She pounded her fist on the table, trying to keep her calm facade that was slowly, but surely, falling to pieces. "'Pops, you will not make me participate in this!"

Ego let out an irritated breath. "Daughter, it's not as if I'm asking you to play in Blue Lock, but instead merely dedicate all of your time outside of studying watching over these boys and their stats," he clarified. "You, who happens to fall into their age group, should know enough to properly keep them in check. You'll know more about whether or not they're prodigies for your age."

She covered her face ugh her hands and released a muffled scream. "Is it just because of age? 'Pops, this is ridiculous. Why me?" She muttered lowly. "What about Itoshi Sae? Or that Julian Loki kid from France? Literally ANYONE else!"

"Firstly, I'd have to pay them. You save me the money." Ego rolled his ebony eyes as if it was obvious enough. "Secondly, you desire a true opponent, don't you? One that can match up to your level?" He challenged. "That Jane Monroe girl was no obstacle for you. Blue Lock will produce worthy competition for you. Do you not desire to see these poor, pathetic egoists fail and fail again, until they finally break?"

This made (Y/N) pause. She stared at her father from the corner of her narrowed eyes.

The offer did sound tempting.

But was she really willing to throw away everything she had worked for? All to please her father, who hadn't even defended her in front of the JFU? She tugged at the roots of her (H/C) hair, wiggling loose the hairclip that kept her bangs out of her face.

Closing the gap between her and her father, she glared menacingly at his tall stature. She aggressively poked a finger against his lanky chest, "you..." her voice shook with anger. "Did it not occur to you to, oh I don't know, discuss this with me first?"

There was a heavy silence between the two. Seeing that her father had nothing to say, (Y/N) scoffed and stepped away. "I had my future entirely planned out for myself—but this throws things so far off course!" She growled lowly. Ego became ticked off. "Don't speak to me with that attitude, (Y/N)," The use of her actual name made her flinch, "This grants you the opportunity of a lifetime, something that will further your status forever."

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