8. A Friend's Jealousy

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(A/N- i hate writing slowburns bc like omg i want stuff to happen already but i gotta pace myself 😭 but when stuff does start to really happen I PROMISE it's gonna be SO good)

(anyways, who do y'all think/want some love interests to be? lmk and I might work some magic to the plot 😏)


Reo was jealous. So very jealous.

For the past two-or-so weeks, he's noticed how Nagi seems to be glued to his phone even more so than usual. Normally, it wouldn't be an issue. But, there have been some things he's noticed...and it's tipping him off the edge.

For starters, how Nagi seems to smiling more. Don't misunderstand, it's lovely seeing him all smiley compared to his usual nonchalant state. However, the cheerfulness of the billionaire died quickly when he saw that, rather than it being a game that was making him so giddy, it was someone he was texting. Someone Reo did not know.

A girl, to be precise. Who went by the name of (Y/N).

Who could also make Nagi laugh more than Reo could.

That did not sit right with him.

Even worse, Nagi refused to tell him anything. 'Why?' Reo wondered. 'Can you not trust me anymore? Why aren't you talking to me? What does she have that I don't?'

'Is she going to replace me in your life?' His blood went cold at the thought.

No, he decided. He was going to figure out for himself just who she was and what made her so appealing to his treasure. He was not going to stand by and let her take him away. Even if it meant bribing her with money, he didn't care. She was not taking away his one form of entertainment.

(Today, 21:32)


what the hell

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what the hell.. is this real?

nagi 🦥
no way, that cant be
it's so ugly...must be exhausting having
such huge eyeballs
where did you even find that 💀

my teammat|
my t|
an acquaintance of mine sent
it to me, saying I should "complain
less because atleast I don't have
to deal with the unfortunate
outward appearance of a pug".

nagi 🦥
ohh so you act like this irl too
not just chat?

what's that supposed to mean,
huh nagi?

nagi 🦥
your boring

and kill yourself.

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