• Chapter 2 A New Friend •

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Justin's POV
I walked into the studio hyped and ready to work more on my upcoming album. I felt like a perky girl walking in there considering it wasn't gonna be a bad day after my little run to Starbucks. Thanks to Mia. I barely know her, but considering I don't have a lot of friends moving here to California, I'd like to have a few and maybe she might just be my new friend.

Yes I have celebrity friends, but I mean friends like Chaz and Ryan. Man, I miss them.. They were my real ones from the start.

"JUSTIN!" Scooter shouts at me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Your late, why?" Scooter says.

"Umm hello, do you not see the cup, sorry I promise it won't happen again." I say while walking into the recording booth.

"Thank you now let's get to work, what have you worked on Justin?" Scooter says.

"Well it's not finished, but it's called Believe. Just like my album name. Don't be quick to judge it just..just listen okay?" I say to Scooter then looking over to my mother Pattie.

Mia's POV
I walk to my car in a good mood because I'm finally off of work! But it's also a Monday. I think to myself on my drive home. *106 FM "Win Justin Bieber tickets and backstage passes to meet him personally! All you have to do is call in and be caller #12! Call in now to see if your caller #12!* Hmm I thought to myself. What are the odds, so I pick up my phone at the stoplight dialing the number as I continued to chuckle as if I were to even win the tickets.

*CALLER #12! You have just won 2 Justin Bieber tickets to see him in Los Angeles tomorrow night*

"Holy shit balls.." Was all I said.

I literally freeze, but snap back to reality after I hear the horn of the car behind me telling me to go. Oops lol. I started to think to myself holy shit, what were the odds?! Well if I'm gonna take someone might as well take my best friend ha. He's in for a good surprise tomorrow lmao.

Justin's POV

*voicemail* "Dammit.." I say upset.

Selena seems to never have any time for me anymore. Her phone is always going to voicemail, and I'm constantly getting sent to voicemail. I swear, It's like she doesn't even miss me. What happened between us? What did I do?

Although, I knew I had to stay motivated, to smile for my fans no matter how much I kept thinking of Selena. Im performing at a Summer Fest with 106FM & that has to be amazing. It's gonna be an amazing place to get my mind off of things. It's not a big event, but it's big enough to to get me to forget what's going on in my life.

Mia's POV
"Kiara, please go to the SummerFest to go see Justin Bieber with me pleaase! You're my best friend! C'mon please!" I said like a little baby whining for candy on the phone.

"Mia, of course I'll go just text me the details. I don't know why you would think I wouldn't go. It's not something you just pass up dummy." Kiara says as she hangs up.

I laughed then I text Kiara. I haven't told you guys much about her, but she's my best friend in the world. I honestly don't know what I would do without her.

Mia: Bitch, that wasn't funny! ):

Kiara: Watch your language missy! Before I beat that butt of yours lol(;

Mia: You're a jerk D:

Kiara: I know ha, now where is it at? And what should I wear?

Mia: Crop top, high waisted shorts and a flower crown!.. Sike lol, it's in Los Angeles and idk something casual lol.

Kiara: your no help ): and ooo LA boys (;

Mia: Shut up before I tell Gavin (Kiara's boyfriend )

Kiara: You wouldn't lmao, you know I'm loyal! Cx

Mia: I know you are, but I know the guys there aren't lol, I'm gonna go to bed loser (:

Kiara: Goodnight asshole

Mia: Omg you're so nice lol, night.

I set my phone on top of my counter, then I laid down on my bed thinking of what to wear and what Justin was going say. I just hoped he likes my surprise.

Wait what am I even thinking?! I'm not friends with this boy? I don't even know him. I don't want to get to know him well, this would just be funny. I grunt at the conversation I'm having with my self. Oh Justin, just wait until tomorrow.

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