Castle Leoch

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I didn't wake again until the next morning. The sun was already up, its golden rays filtering through the lush green canopy of trees above. With a weary yawn, I rubbed the remnants of sleep from my eyes, gradually becoming aware of my surroundings.

Before me stood a castle unlike any I'd ever seen before, a structure that seemed like it had materialized from the pages of a history book or the images I'd seen in online photos. Its imposing stone walls stretched high into the sky, a testament to centuries past and a stark contrast to the modern world I had known.

"Welcome to Castle Leoch, Miss Van der Berg," Murtagh's voice broke through the stillness, his tone jovial yet tinged with a hint of relief. I could sense that he was glad to have arrived at this enigmatic place.

As I gazed at the castle, its rugged beauty took my breath away. Time seemed to have woven a rich tapestry around its walls, and I couldn't help but marvel at the history that emanated from every stone. The very air was saturated with the weight of centuries, making me feel like an intruder in a world that no longer existed.

Murtagh guided his horse forward, leading me toward the imposing gates of Castle Leoch. The massive wooden doors slowly creaked open, revealing a courtyard bustling with activity. Highlanders clad in tartan kilts moved purposefully about, their voices ringing with the lilting tones of Gaelic.

I clung to Murtagh, feeling a mixture of awe and trepidation. This was a world I had only read about in books or seen in period dramas, and now I found myself standing at its threshold. The castle itself was a formidable sight, and the people who inhabited it seemed to belong to another time entirely. The courtyard was a hive of activity, with women tending to chores, men engaged in training, and children darting around in play. The sense of community and tradition was palpable, and I felt like an outsider intruding on their world.

"What is this place?" I asked in a hushed tone, unable to tear my eyes away from the scene unfolding before me.

"Castle Leoch," Murtagh replied simply, as if that explanation were sufficient. "Home to the Clan MacKenzie."

As Murtagh lifted me down from the horse, I clung to the tartan he'd wrapped around my shoulders, using it to shield myself from the curious glances of the castle's inhabitants. Murtagh, in his usual no-nonsense manner, unhooked the saddlebags and threw them over his shoulder, his every move efficient and purposeful. A young boy approached. He took the reins of the horse, leading it away to the stables. I watched as he left then my gaze drifted back to where Murtagh stood.

He had continued toward the castle's front doors, his steady pace unwavering. It was only when I noticed that he had left my side that I jogged after him, my bare feet almost slipping in the mud beneath them.

"Wait up!" I called out breathlessly, my voice carrying a note of urgency. The bustling courtyard had swallowed me up, and I was keenly aware of my vulnerability as I hurried to catch up with Murtagh.

As we made our way towards the doors of Castle Leoch, a plump elderly woman caught sight of Murtagh. Her face lit up when she saw him, and she approached him with open arms, ready for an affectionate embrace. However, just as she was about to pull him into a hug, she paused and wrinkled her nose dramatically.

"Murtagh! You look and smell like a rat that's been dragged through shit!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with both affection and playful teasing.

Murtagh, never one to be easily rattled, grinned mischievously at her. "Kissey Kiss then!" he retorted, undeterred by her comment. With that, he pulled her into a tight hug and planted a friendly smooch on her cheek. The woman let out a hearty laugh, smacking him on the back as they embraced.

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