It Was an Accident

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It was almost midday when we had packed up all our gear. The men took their time with it this morning, presumably more tired than usual due to the action of the previous night.

As the sun reached its zenith in the sky, we had finally packed up all our gear. The men moved with a deliberate slowness this morning, no doubt feeling the fatigue from the events of the previous night. The skirmish with the unknown assailants had left its mark on everyone, and it was evident in their weariness.

Despite the exhaustion, there was an unspoken camaraderie among us. We had faced danger together and emerged victorious, and that bond forged in the crucible of adversity was something that would only grow stronger with time.

Once everything was secured, we sat down and waited for everyone to be ready.

Jamie had mentioned that Claire needed some more herbs for her healing, and I couldn't help but wonder whether they had actually set off to gather herbs or if they had seized the opportunity for some moments alone together. It was no secret that the newlyweds longed for some privacy, just as me and Murtagh did. However, no one complained. Instead, we waited patiently for their return.

The gunshot that shattered the silence of the Scottish countryside sent shockwaves through the group. Without hesitation, we all jumped to our feet and sprinted towards the source of the sound. As we reached the top of a hill, a scene unfolded before us that left us both relieved and in awe.

Claire and Jamie were perched atop the hill, their heads close together in an intimate huddle. At the foot of the hill lay two lifeless redcoats.

As the others gathered around the fallen redcoats, Dougal's voice cut through the air like a command. "Jamie!"

With minimal hesitation, Jamie descended from the hill, leaving Claire alone atop the grassy mound, staring at her blood-covered hands. It was a sight that I didn't like. Seeing her there, pacing back and forth, worried me.

I rushed up the hill towards her. My concern vastly outweighed anything else. When I reached the top, Claire was still pacing and muttering to herself. Her dishevelled appearance, with the front of her dress undone and revealing her vulnerable state, raised questions that would have to wait.

"It's shock. I'm going into shock," Claire whispered, the words carrying more to herself than anyone else. I didn't need to be a mind reader to understand what happened as I looked between her hands and the half-undressed soldier at the foot of the hill. Even if Jamie had been the one to undo her top, the man had tried to have his way with her, and she'd taken his life for it.

I approached her gently, my heart aching over the feelings she must have been experiencing, the feelings I was all too familiar with. No words could fix the damage that was done. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her as tightly as I could.

Below, the men's worried glances flickered up towards Claire, their concern evident. I couldn't ignore the state of Claire's attire, vulnerable and exposed. Determined to protect the woman's dignity and modesty, I gently began to pull Claire's dress shut and fasten it properly.

Murtagh and Jamie climbed the hill towards us. "We need to leave the area before anyone else stumbles upon us. That gunshot must have been heard for miles," Murtagh explained.

Together, they descended the hill and returned to the campsite, mounted their horses, and continued their journey. The atmosphere was palpably different from before, the weight of recent events hanging heavy in the air. Laughter and jokes were replaced with silence and contemplation.

As they rode through the woods, the group maintained a sombre disposition. Murtagh had wrapped a tartan around us both, creating a cozy little shelter from the elements, but I couldn't relax into it. My mind was still on Claire. I watched her as we rode, though what I was looking to see in her I couldn't pinpoint.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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