Of The Heart

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The sun hung high in the sky, casting a warm golden glow over the courtyard of Castle Leoch. Laughter and playful shouts filled the air as the children of the clan played a spirited game of hide and seek. I had joined in the game, my desire to interact with the younger members of the community outweighing my initial reservations about fitting in.

As one of the children counted to ten in Gaelic, the rest of us scattered in search of hiding spots. I sprinted across the courtyard, my heart pounding with excitement, and spotted the perfect hiding place—a wooden wagon with just enough space beneath it to conceal myself.

I slid underneath the wagon, trying to stifle my giggles as I waited for the seeker to finish counting. The cool shade beneath the wagon offered a welcome respite from the warmth of the day, and I could feel the blades of grass tickling my palms.

Seconds turned into minutes as I lay in my hiding spot, the anticipation building. But then, to my surprise, a familiar face appeared beside me, peering under the wagon with inquisitive eyes. It was Murtagh.

I placed a finger to my lips, signaling for him to be silent, and whispered urgently, "Shh! I'm hiding."

Murtagh's brows furrowed in confusion, and he leaned in closer. "Hiding? From what, lass?"

Before I could explain further, I heard the voice of the child who had been counting drawing near. Panic surged within me as I realized that Murtagh's presence could give away my hiding spot.

Desperation laced my whisper as I hissed at him, "Please, just go away before—"

But it was too late. The child rounded the corner and spotted me beneath the wagon, a triumphant grin spreading across their face. The other children quickly gathered around, their cheers and laughter echoing in the courtyard.

I let out an exasperated groan, frustration evident on my face as I crawled out from under the wagon. Murtagh, still crouched nearby, received a playful shove from me, and I couldn't help but blame him in jest.

"Thanks to you, I'm caught," I muttered, shaking my head in mock disappointment.

Murtagh chuckled, his deep laughter resonating through the courtyard. "Sorry for ruining your hiding spot, lass."

The children continued to laugh and tease me about my failed hiding place, and I couldn't help but smile despite losing the game. It was moments like these, amidst the joy and innocence of the clan's children, that made me feel a deeper connection to the community of Castle Leoch.

"Murtagh! Play tag with us!" one of the younger children, a boy of likely no more than six years old begged, tugging on his shirt.

Murtagh glanced down at the enthusiastic child, a reluctant smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. He exchanged a glance with me, and I could see the hint of amusement in his eyes.

"Ah, why not," he said, ruffling the young boy's hair.

The children's delighted screams filled the air as they scattered in every direction, fleeing from Murtagh's playful pursuit. With a grin, I joined in the mad dash, racing through the courtyard and out the gates into the grassy fields just beyond.

Murtagh, with his long strides and surprisingly nimble movements for a man of his age, gave chase. His fingers reached out, forever inches away from whoever was closest, causing the children to squeal with laughter as they narrowly avoided his grasp.

With a sudden burst of speed, he lunged forward, catching one of the children around the waist and effortlessly flipping them over his shoulder. The child let out a startled yelp before breaking into laughter.

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