Caught in the Fray

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The early morning light filtered through the tavern's small windows, casting a soft, golden glow on the worn wooden floors. I woke before Claire, the remnants of last night's turmoil still lingering in my thoughts. Quietly, so as not to disturb her, I slipped out of our shared room, closing the door with the utmost care.

In the dimly lit common room, I found my fellow travellers seated at two separate tables. One table was occupied by Jamie and Ned Gowan, their heads bent together in conversation, while the other held Murtagh and the rest of our companions, their voices rising and falling in animated Scottish banter.

If the decision of where to sit had been one I'd faced before last night, I'd have undoubtedly chosen to join Jamie and Mr. Gowan. It would have been a way to avoid sitting somewhere I wasn't welcome. But last night had changed everything.

Murtagh's ultimatum still echoed in my thoughts: stay away from Jamie or risk losing my only friend. While he had been avoiding me, there was no denying that he still cared about me in his own way. I couldn't bring myself to jeopardize what little friendship might still be salvageable between us.

So, with a sense of resignation, I chose the table with Murtagh and the others. As I approached, they didn't even acknowledge my presence. I settled into a chair, my gaze fixed on the tabletop, and tried my best to blend into the ongoing conversation, even though I could hardly understand a word of it.

I stole a glance at Jamie and Ned, their heads still bent together in deep discussion. It was clear that Jamie was preoccupied with their serious conversation.

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Murtagh's stern expression, his eyes fixed on me with an intensity that made me squirm uncomfortably in my chair. His silence was more piercing than any words he could have spoken.

I quickly averted my gaze, focusing on the wooden tabletop before me, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. The weight of Murtagh's unspoken disapproval hung heavy in the air, a silent reminder of the consequences of my actions.

I had meant to skip breakfast entirely, I wasn't very hungry this morning after all, but Murtagh slid his still-full plate of food over to me and got up to retrieve another.

I nodded my thanks, a small but genuine smile crossing my lips. It was a simple yet meaningful gesture, a way for Murtagh to show that despite his gruff exterior and his warnings, he still cared about my well-being.

I began to tuck into the hearty meal, the warm food providing a comforting distraction from the swirling emotions within me. As I savoured each bite, I couldn't help but hope that this small act of kindness might be the first step toward repairing the strained friendship between us.

Just as I was settling into my meal, Claire descended the stairs. Her presence shifted the dynamics in the room. As she went to take Jamie's place at the other table, another group of men started fooling around loudly. I couldn't understand their Gaelic words, but I could tell they weren't kind by the silence that swept over our group.

As the tension in the room simmered, it took just one last comment from the unruly newcomers to ignite a powder keg of anger. A man among them, his eyes fixed on Claire with a malicious gleam, uttered words that cut through the air like a blade.

All of a sudden, Angus erupted with a fierce, guttural roar of fury. He surged from his seat and with incredible force, slammed the man's head down onto the table. The sudden violence sent dishes and tankards crashing to the floor, splintering into pieces.

The shock of the unexpected attack rippled through the room, transforming the once tense atmosphere into one of chaos and mayhem. The tavern erupted into an all-out brawl, as fists flew, and curses filled the air.

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