Brushed Fingertips

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The sun had barely begun to cast its morning rays across the castle when I made the decision to stay hidden in my room. It was a feeble hope, born from desperation, that if I simply delayed long enough, Dougal would forget about our earlier conversation and the ominous plans he had outlined for me.

The previous evening had left me emotionally drained and feeling utterly powerless. After Dougal's abrupt announcement that I would be leaving with him, I had retreated to my room, seeking solitude to collect my thoughts. Murtagh had come to check on me, his concern evident in the gentle tone of his voice as he asked why I hadn't joined them for dinner. But I had only managed to reply with a sad request for solitude.

The night that followed had been a restless one, haunted by a series of nightmares. Each time I closed my eyes, I found myself falling into an endless abyss of darkness, the sensation of plummeting into the unknown gripping me with a visceral terror. I had woken countless times, drenched in sweat, my heart racing as if trying to escape the clutches of those harrowing dreams.

Morning had arrived all too soon, and I chose to forgo breakfast, clinging to the hope that a few more moments hidden in my room might alter the course of my fate. The silence that enveloped me was heavy and oppressive, the weight of uncertainty bearing down on my shoulders.

As the hours passed, I couldn't ignore the persistent gnawing feeling in the pit of my stomach, a growing awareness that my decision to stay hidden couldn't indefinitely postpone the inevitable. Dougal was a man of conviction, and he had made his intentions clear. It was only a matter of time before he would come to collect me.

It wasn't Dougal that came though. The door to my chamber burst open without warning, the abrupt intrusion causing my heart to race. Before I could react, Jamie Fraser strode into the room with an air of determined purpose, his presence filling the space.

"Ye'll be getting your arse out to the horses. It's time to leave," he declared, his voice firm and unwavering.

Refusing to acknowledge his words, I turned over, my back to him. Perhaps if I feigned noncompliance long enough, he would relent, and I could maintain this tenuous sanctuary.

But Jamie had no intentions of allowing me to evade the situation. In a swift and unexpected move, he reached down, his strong hands gripping my waist, and before I could react, he hoisted me over his shoulder.

Startled and off-balance, I began to wriggle and protest, my fists pounding against his back in a futile attempt to free myself. The sensation of being carried, utterly powerless in his grasp, was infuriating.

As Jamie descended through the castle's corridors with me in tow, I continued my struggles, my frustration and anxiety bubbling to the surface and tears now spilling freely from my eyes. Jamie's grip remained unyielding, and it became increasingly clear that my protests were falling on deaf ears.

"Let me down, you fucking bastard!" I screamed through hot tears. My commands were complied with, though not in a way I'd have liked. He dropped me to the ground where I landed square on my ass.

"Get on the horse," Jamie commanded me, gesturing to the beast behind me.

"I don't know how to ride a horse. It's really too bad. You'll just have to leave me behind." I responded snarkily.

Jamie's expression hardened as he loomed over me, his patience wearing thin. "Yer nae going to be left behind, lass," he stated firmly, his voice leaving no room for argument. With a sharp and cutting remark, he muttered, "Useless," before hoisting me unceremoniously onto the horse. I let out a cry of surprise, feeling utterly humiliated and helpless.

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