Chapter 4 truth or dare

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During the following weeks and days, a whirlwind of drama unfolded, as feelings blossomed and romantic connections formed among the close-knit groups of people.

Alice didn't much care for dating at this moment in time. She was glad to have close friends and that be it. The classes were intriguing, especially on a particular day - approximately two days into the term. Alice, Aya, and Lia found themselves nestled in their cozy hammock chairs, enjoying the enchanting ambiance of their mystical arts class.In the center of their circle of hammocks was a floating, wooden cylinder with a crystal ball. However, at this moment the trio were practicing mind reading. As soon as Miss Pine finished telling them what to do the trio got to work.

"Go on then Alice read my mind" Lia said jokingly, believing this was a bunch of nonsense and her friend wouldn't be able to do it. Alice had a little more belief and did as Miss Pine had instructed, she took the moon water and sprinkled it into her eyes. It stung like mad, it was like having shampoo in your eyes; however the shampoo is burning the inside of your sockets.

Suddenly the pain subsided, and she felt as if her eyes were now cleaned and improved.Her gaze shifted towards Aya. Light seemed too bounce off of her, a light that she hadn't seen before, but it moved as Aya did. When Aya turned around to look at Lia her light changed from a yellow, pinkish glow to a warmer pink. Lia must have seen Alice's odd looking face as she commented.

"What's wrong your looking at us weird, have I got a massive spot or something?"

"No you have light bouncing off you" Alice said confused

"Light? Oh that's an auora, here" Aya said handing an open book to Alice. Alice scanned over the page. Auora's and what they mean, an aura or energy is an emotion or feeling that someone gives off through a light surrounding them. Alice read from the top paragraph, below this was all the different aura colours were listed. Pink meant love or affection.

"Well what's my aura then?" Aya asked

"Um, uh pink" Alice said quitely

"What, give me that" Lia said looking at the book, a pink aura indicates affection of the romantic kind" Lia said "Oooh someone has a crush"

"So what do you care" Aya said awkwardly "Alice what's Lia's" Aya continued annoyed

"Well" Alice said concentrating on Lia's face "Ah fuck, why can't i read you" Alice said after several minutes she spent concentrating on Lia's face and looking for the light but she could see it no matter what she tried she just couldn't see anything. Alice lay back in her chair fustrated.

"You can't read me?" Lia said curiously

"No, i don't know why!" Alice said still pissed off

"What does it matter anyway, were supposed to be mind reading, not aura reading" Aya said realising this situation was becoming stressful "Now what does this say, ah take one sip of the water and look at the person who's mind you want to read" Aya said before downing considerabliy more of the water than she was meant to. Aya then looked at Lia.

"No!" Aya said to Lia "I-I mean no I don't"

"Don't what?" Alice asked casually

"Nothing!" Lia and Aya said in unison

"sorry for asking" Alice said awkwardly before sipping the remainder of the liquid. She looked at Aya and then Lia and finally realised what was going on, she felt a little disheartened for some reason although wasn't certain as to why some thing about this place was making her emotions go haywire. Alice pulled one of those i know something you don't faces.

"What!" Lia said

"Nothing, nothing at all" Alice said cluelessly. The trio sat in awkward silence until the end of the lesson. Alice spent the rest of the time reading others minds but most of the thoughts were things 'i need a piss' or 'god this sucks'. However Harry's caught her attention it was frantic and radical, it was somewhat entertaining but only somewhat. L

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