Just the way things go..

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Courtney's pov:

It's been 3 months since me and Gwen broke up...I feel horrible... I've been bedridden for the last month or so..Bridgette comes over often and tried to help but nothing works. This is the lowest I've been I can't even work on my form online for law school..I'll probably fail it. I re-read all the texts I got from Gwen when we fought.

Anonymous (Gwen): So you didn't care for me at all?!

                                      Me:I NEVER SAID THAT? YOURE SAYING THINGS I NEVER SAID!

Anonymous (Gwen): Oh no...I know what you think of me..you think of me as some kinda of relief from Duncan huh?? Some trashy goth girl who happened to be interested am I right?
                                      Me:You're saying nonsense. I do care for you. Duncan sent that picture cuz he's jealous I'm with you Gwen. Just believe me please I love you I really do...and since I'm being honest maybe at first you was just a way to stop stressing over Duncan but I warmed up too you I never thought I would. I really love you..I always have in a way.

Anonymous(Gwen): I need to think..for now I think its best to break up for now. I'll tell you my response soon. I'm sorry.


Anonymous(Gwen):I said I needed a break. Ykw I think it's best to block you so I can think straight I'm sorry..


I ruffled my hair thinking about it..Gwen..believed Duncan over me?..
I sighed out and laid back down into my bed cuddling myself practically. I really need to start working properly but I can't in this state..

Gwens pov:
It's been about...3 months I would say since I and Courtney broke up.. I feel so shitty for breaking up with her over Duncan. She's not posted anything on any account...not even a single picture of her work to be a lawyer..what if I made Courtney stop working...Ah shit. I felt crappy since our breakup. I went and brought 15 tubs of mint ice cream and git a vanilla as I remembered it was Courtney's favourite. I really want her back...I miss when I got to see her hair scuffed up in the morning after we had a hard night..

Her hazel eyes staring deep down into mine...

I wanted to text her back but I just can't say anything..

Thankfully Leshawna has been helping me...she got me to be lively again which I wish I could repay her in some way.

I need to think of something too say before it's too late.

Back to Courtney's pov:
Bridgette arrived shortly after I laid back to sleep.. she made cookies for us both but I didn't have any..I didn't feel like eating anything the nagging pain in my stomach was enough to knaw me inside out.

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