Im sorry.

398 7 9

This included:
Light smut (nothing bad really)
Duncan as a villian/antagonist
Abusive parent
           I advise to click off if your uncomfortable to read any of these:3
Courtney's pov:
I sat on Gwens couch feeling lousy from all those drinks from earlier. Maybe I would be at home if I didn't flirt with this girl...I wouldn't of liked it tho. Mum hates when I drink but I can't help myself. I've had a hard week at college so I needed something to make me feel real again.

Gwen came back into the room, her eyes beautiful and soft. Gwen didn't drink as much as I did, not giving it much thought I sat up and looked at her.

"You're so pretty.." I mumbled

Gwen didn't respond only giving a cherish smile and turned to me.

"If I could say everything I wanted to about you, you wouldn't believe me..I'm just lucky that someone as beautiful as you wanted to be here with me." She came closer to me.

"What if I told you I wanted to listen to everything you would say." I came even closer now feeling her warm vanilla breath on my lips.

The goth mumbled something before she reached for my collar.


Gwen had started kissing me.


I kissed back into her feeling everything I wanted.

After 3 heated make out sessions later I was on top of Gwen. She was covered in my lipstick stains, I couldn't help but feel like I need more.

"You look so pretty on top of me." Gwen admitted.

"You look so pretty covered in my lip stains." I let out a relief sigh.

She pulled my neck down gently, pulling my ear to her lips.

"I don't want this night to end"

Tilting my head to the side she started to nibble on the side of my neck.

Letting out a string of sighs, the goth took it for granted biting harder but not so hard.

Moaning, I covered my mouth.

"Dont do that baby," She moved the hand covering my mouth,"I want to hear you."

Suddenly, I gasped and rose. Where was I??

Looking around I noticed a stand of hair near me. Blue.. I turned around and saw the same girl I met at the club last night. She's beautiful..

I got up out of the bed and grabbed my shirt and jumper.

"Shit shit shit shit shit my mum will be livid.." I whispered getting my shirt back on.

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