When the harm has been done

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Warning:mention of blackmail of sexual pictures!! Forced bad character Duncan!! If you don't think he would act anything like he is in this chapter (neither do I it's just for the book ig) then I'd advise to go to the next one [if it's posted yet]. Neck kissing will be involved please read with caution if you want to read light smut (Not heavy smut).
Lebombas (Leshawnas) pov:
I'm tired of Gwen and Courtney with all their flirting in the dorms. I mean literally they both started making put in the middle of the path and some random women started chasing down the path turns out she lost her stroller by the time she ran down they both got knocked over like bowling pins. Strike I guess. When they both started dating they were so anxious to even hold hands now they're flirting as if tonight real shit will go down. I'm so glad I'm not the only one third wheeling either. So is Bridgette and Heather..they think the same as me luckily..

I mean Geoff and Bridgette take it too far but Gwourtney (or so we call them) are running competitors.

Bridgettes pov:
Today at camp, Chris had set a challenge...but not for us! He says it's a surprise until its all finished with so I guess I'll figure it all out later.

Turns out..Chris was letting some of the cast back on the island the first ti come was Trent. Trent and Gwen obviously had something going on. . . Maybe they just were really close friends before he got voted off?

After that too arrive was Eva.. she looked as fierce as ever.. she must if been working on her weights so when she comes back no one would mess with her like some people did.

The last person to come back was..Duncan?

No one cared but Courtney's expression said it all.
Duncan and Courtney used to date but broke up due to the fact Duncan tried cheating on her multiple times and blackmailed things to other people of her..for example sexual pictures which he found on the Internet...some people are just so cruel. Court never deserved that.

No one laughed at Ducnans pictures he sent infact they all laughed at him for having only 'pictures'.
After that incident Courtney didn't bother going out to the camp unless it was challenges and locked herself in anywhere she could. Everyone worried and searched around desperately until Gwen had cane back with Courtney hand in hand. She said she talked with her and helped her. . . No one really cared about Courtney since she was usually bossy and mean all the time but that's just her nature being raised by strict parents was hard enough.

After talking to her long and hard we finally convinced her to talk to us more often even Heather insisted she did. Maybe she does have a heart that Heather hmm..?

Courtney's pov:
After I saw Duncan was back the shivers down my spine was enough to make me feel sick. Those pictures were not necessarily just because I broke up with him. I don't even know where he got those pictures from because I sure never sent anything like that too anyone. I should just take my mind off it..After all I'm dating someone better then him now, someone I can trust.

Duncans pov:
I looked around the island and remembered everything that had been said to each other over the past couple of months. I couldn't care less but the only reason I'm back here is to get Courtney back..or else I'll have to her force to come back. Jumping off the boat onto the Dock of shame, I looked around..not many people were left. Everyone but Courtney, Gwen, Bridgette, Leshawna, Geoff, Dj, Trent and Eva are here..
I walked next to Geoff who seemed to back away every so slightly.

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