first sight

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OK SO BASICALLY ANOTHER REQUEST WHICH I LOVE..THANKS randomytdfan AGAIN! It has like alot of swear words and maybe a few rude characters who's nice in the show..anywayyyyy enjoy


Gwens pov:

"Dad please don't send me to school, I'll literally drink gasoline if you make me go in."

... That was me the same day I met the girl that I love..

"Gwen you know I can't let you off another day or ill be behind bars and slowly befriending the rats inside the cell. Also the gasoline idea sounds good, apparently according to Google it gives you energy and a death bed!" I literally stared him right in the eye as he made those dad jokes again.

"Not funny? No? OK er, get ready I'll take you in 10!" I nodded painfully slow and walked upstairs.

I chose my outfit swiftfully, just wearing the normal 'goth bitch' outfit to please my lovely friends.

I fell down the stairs and hit a window but that's OK because we like being concussed.

My dad had already gotten ready and was finishing his coffee.

"Get in the car I'll be there in 2 seconds." He told me as he passed me the car keys and I nodded and went to the garage.

As he said, he'd be there in a minute which he was. Thankfully.

He turned everything on and started moving. Finally.

Dad dropped me off at school and zoomed off to work. I sighed and stepped foot inside the shithole.

Some how I was 5 minutes early so I just went to my locker. Then after quickly studying I went to form.

Form was boring, the teacher was just yapping and everyone didn't even care.

Today was different though. Apparently there's a new person in class. Booo boring would've been better if they told us the school was shutting or like closing for a while.

I sat in my seat and talked to Leshawna. She's technically my only friend who doesn't want to date me. Which is why I ignore Trent (poor trent) and Cody.

After the final bell went off my tutor teacher, Miss Rampshire told us to welcome the new person. As she said that a girl came through the door. She seemed confident. Wow. She had brunette hair and honey eyes that I could drown in, freckles on her golden skin made her look perfect. I couldn't help but look away.

"Gwen stop gaming!" Leshawna whispered and snapped her fingers in my face. I looked back and nodded.

"Would you care to tell everyone about yourself?" The teacher asked and she nodded.

"OK so my names Courtney, I was a cit uhhh I moved here from California because my mum had work business here in Canada." She looked back to the teacher and the teacher looked back and nodded. "Since we care," Yeah about money, "What's your pronouns and if you want to tell us, sexuality?"

Oh interesting maybe I'll listen in.

"Well my pronouns are she/her  and honestly I'm still figuring out what I'm attracted to, thanks for asking!" She smiled and the teacher stood up. "OK thanks for that, where do you want to sit in form times?"

Courtney looked around and amazingly there was a space right next to me.

There was also a space next to Duncan.
The 'bad' boy in our school.

She looked back and fourth almost like she was checking on appearances.

Courtney pointed her hand out and Miss said, "next to Gwen?" Courtney nodded and I froze where I was.

She sat down and smiled over at me and I blushed and waved realising I was being cringy I looked away.

After form, she came up to me in the hallway.

"Gwen?" She asked I nodded and looked at her, she was already looking at me. It was intense, I saw nothing but her face and sparks. She's very beautiful and I can't face her.

"Do you wonder if first sight love is real?" Weirdly enough it's like she's reading my head.

"Er, I mean if you want it to be!" She nodded and smiled back to me.

"Why would you ask something like that?" I questioned. She looked back and smiled.

"Well, maybe I'm just weird or when I first saw you, I saw sparks, from what I read that means your in love." Courtney held eye contact until I atleastly looked away, which I did because I was flustered.

"Thats books.." I said, the silliness in my tone clear.

"What's so different about the fantasy world compared to this, they both have goals for us to reach." Courtney smiled like a genuis and I nodded.

After I stopped nodding Courtney looked me dead in the eye. It was a still and quiet, nothing moved until she came up closer and I gulped still maintaining eye contact. She leaned forward as if waiting for my response. Gently I dragged my face forward and my lips met with hers. It was silent as we kissed. As I assumed her lips taste exactly how they look, covered in cherry lip gloss and her breath smelt like freshly picked flowers from a bouquet.

After a couple of seconds, I pulled back and questioned my whole life.

"Did we just-" I came to the realisation of what we just down and started worrying.

"What's the matter? Was it me..?" Courtney gave me puppy eyes and I felt upset.

"No its just I.. can't believe we done that well, no I can't believe someone as pretty and skilled as you would enjoy spending time with me nevertheless kissing me.."
The cit nodded and stroked my hair.

"I like you for you, your voice makes me feel heavenly, I just...thought you looked sincere and that's what I like." Courtney placed her face in my crooked neck and I felt the hot breath on my neck.

"Courntey, I know like I've only known you for not even 4 hours but I honestly love you." I admitted and wrapped my hands around her waist.

Courtney giggled and responded, "I love you too." It was quieter as she was still in the narrow of my neck and chin.

"We should probably go to our lockers..."


OK so that was literally horrible..I hate writing something romantically that had no build up because like there's no way someone can just fall in love with someone within 4 hours.. but yk I tried.

Sorry I've not been as active as I could I've been through a lot of friendship drama and doing homework. Luckily I'll be back for a now I hope so any recommendations then feel free to drop them and I'll try my best to write it how you want😋

                  Thanks for reading!

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