Do we hate eachother?

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(RIGHT SO THIS AMAZING PERSON HAVE ME A GREAT AND SIMPLE IDEA.. THANK YOU randomytdfan💗.. also for no reason in this gwens a supermodel/model.. and she's a tad bit mean but we love that.)

Gwens pov:

Life was going perfect,  I had it going perfect, filled with money and fame, loyal friends and a amazing boyfriend who wouldn't leave me for the whole world..or so that's what I suspected. Maybe I was foolish for dating a guy whi has a past of playing girls but who could resist a hot guy coming up to you to date except my lesbians out there (by that I mean myself 😝).

As I said life was amazing, I would go out with Leshawna, Bridgette, Trent and Cody on days I'm free and then spend the rest with Duncan when he's not busy with something that he calls "work" when I know he doesn't have a job, it didn't mind me much until honestly it just went to far.

Sometimes we would be kissing or even just hugging and he'd break it up to tell me he had business with Geoff and Dj. I believed it which makes it even worse.

I realised soon after I should check at some point just what he and the boys were doing..

The next time Duncan had came over I waited for him to go somewhere without his phone because luckily he trusts me with his phone. His pass code was easy aswell it was his birthday and his prison mates birthday 2405. As soon as I was in his phone I checked his Instagram. His dms was the only thing I could think of.

Gwen: Hey babe x wanna come over?
Dj:Hey Duncan wanna go to a cat cafe some time soon we needa catch up :3
                   (Yesterday, 18:47)

Everything looked normal, well everything did until I scrolled.

Courtney:Hey baby x can I come over I miss u x
                          (Just now)

Who's Courtney?? I couldn't gather the information infact I just sat there with tears in my eyes,  was I not good enough?

I hadn't felt as much rage as this.

Duncan was soon back with food.

"Hey babe what's wrong??" He asked cluelessly. To show him just what was wrong I chucked his phone across the bedroom.

"Who's Courtney?" I questioned in a gentle but cold tone.

"I uh...who?" He acted dumb, if course he was acting dumb..he doesn't even need to act.

"So your double crossing me and her?" He shook his head.

"No no no! Why would I cheat on my precious girl?" The manipulating was so toxic I couldn't even respond.

"Fuck off, get out my house now or I'll call the cops." Duncan took a breathe, he seemed upset probably because I found he's double crossing me.

"Didn't even like you anyway." Those words cut like a knife? Has these 11 months been a lie? Have they been nothing.

"Yeah yeah just leave you dickhead." I responded trying to hide the hurt in my voice.

After he left I couldn't actually feel myself. I felt down and I didn't know what to do. The only thing I knew was this Courtney had to know aswell.

I immediately went on to Instagram before Duncan blocked me. I checked his friends and went to find Courtney there (I don't actually use Instagram...I use twitter or x or wtv so if this is wrong please just note that down😔💔) luckily I found her and straight away sent a dm.

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