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"I'm fucking sick of you ungrateful little faggots, get the fuck out of my house!"

Kim Namjoon had been kicked out of his father's house along with his little brother, Kim Taehyung. They walked in the rain, shivering and crying with their arms around each other as they dragged their near-empty bags along the street looking for somewhere to stay for the night.

"I'm sorry," Taehyung sobbed. "I shouldn't have told him I was gay."

"Hey, it's okay, Tae," Namjoon reassured him, rubbing his back. "It's not your fault that he's homophobic."

"I should've kept my fat mouth shut!" he cried. "Then I wouldn't have gotten us kicked out!"

Namjoon stopped, and so did Taehyung.

"Look at me," Namjoon said. Taehyung turned to face him, tears still rolling down his cheeks.

"I don't blame you, okay? It was bound to happen eventually, he's hated the both of us ever since mom passed," Namjoon told him, tears running down his own bruised cheeks as he saw his little brother fall apart.

Taehyung sniffled and nodded. Namjoon engulfed him in a hug, holding the shaking boy for about a minute as they got soaked in the rain.

"We're gonna be okay, understand?" Namjoon asked, pulling away. Taehyung nodded again.

"Good. We can stay behind here for the night, unless you have a better idea," Namjoon said, pointing towards a large building. "Don't worry, we'll find somewhere better in the morning."

The two boys cautiously walked down the dark alleyway, their only light source being the street lamp behind them as it was almost midnight.

There was a covered area behind the shabby building, so that's where they settled down for the night. They lay out their limited belongings, including Taehyung's heart shaped plushie that he called Tata and Namjoon's thin blanket that they had to share for the slightest bit of warmth.

They weren't being rained on now, but it was still freezing under the thin blanket as it was only March. Namjoon cuddled Taehyung's skinny body in an attempt to make him warm, even if that meant he had to be cold himself.

"It's okay, Tae," Namjoon whispered as Taehyung sobbed. "It's all gonna be okay."

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