-Chapter 1- (The Target)

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I hid behind the bush, holding my dagger backwards as to make sure I didn't cut myself with the blade. I glanced over to my coworker, Mephiles. His teal streaks across his quills were harder to see in the night, but that was when he was strongest. 

Mephiles pointed to the small cave, where our target was hiding, 'Infinite said that this is where he's been staying.' He told me.

I nodded my head ever so slightly, 'Are you sure you don't want to take this kill?' I asked Mephiles.

'Aw, c'mon. You let me get the last one.' Mephiles poked me. I smiled, looking back to the cave. 'Plus, but she was barely a threat.' Mephiles shoved me out into the open, I glared at him, and he looked back at me with those bright green eyes. 

'Her tail had you tied up for five minutes until Scourge set you free.' I pointed out before walking to the cave. 

Mephiles growled, 'Scourge can go back to hell where he came from.' I heard him mumble as I approached the target.

I looked ever so slightly into the cave, it was hard to see, but the information we had on the target was that he was exceptionally strong. He was able to surpass out worst enemy, Sonic The Hedgehog, whom he never liked to side with. 

I tiltled my ears down and went inside the cave, hiding my dagger and walking in. This was my tactic, pretend to be lost and this was the first place I found,  which got me close to the target.

'Hm. Who the hell are you?' A raspy voice said behind me, my eyes widened, I didn't even hear him. I spun around, falling back inside the cave. 

The first thing I saw were bright red eyes, then I saw the gold rings around his wrists and ankles. An instinct shot through me, and I kicked the thing back. I stood up and ran into the forest, past Mephiles, who looked really confused. I heard his footsteps after me, but I kept running. 

How did he sneak up on me like that?! My brain whirred, thinking of how the target could've known. 

A force stopped me, and I looked up, Infinite, the jackal who was a well known... murderer for attempting and almost succeeding murder against Mobuis' hero. His mask covered up one of his eyes, and he never had taken it off, 'You good?' He asked me, worried, 'Did you kill the target?' He let me go, backing off. 

I looked down, shaking, 'N-no.' I said softly, looking at my hands. I heard someone else behind me.

'Could've told us that this target was Shadow.' Mephiles' voice said behind me. 

'That was Shadow?!' Infinite hissed, 'That little-'

'I-I'm okay, he just scared me, that's all.' I said.

'Shadow's a bitch.' Infinite's yellow eye glared past the trees, 'He's given us all a hard time.'

I looked behind Infinite, seven metal tails were gripped around a tree branch, and under the branch was a fox with two small tails, blue eyes and a edgy look on his face, 'Shadow's a force to be reckoned with.' Nine mumbled. He was typing in a small computer that he always carried around with him, 'We should head back and plan on how we're going to do this.' He suggested, looking up, 'After all, Y/N doesn't know Shadow, so we should probably tell them about Shadow's abilities and stuff.'

Mephiles put his hand on my shoulder, 'Infinite and I can handle that, right, Nialais?'

Infinite gave Mephiles a cold glare, he didn't like anyone bringing up his real name. He thrust his hand out, and the broken gem on his chest glowed. Black and red blocks shot out of his hand at Mephiles, and they surrounded him instantly, 'Don't call me that, Memphis Tennessee.'  He said in a mocking tone.

Mephiles laughed himself, 'Aw, come on. I'm just playing around. You know that, right?' 

Two tails pushed the two away from me, Nine held out his gloved hand to me, 'Infinite, open the portal. Let's go.' I took Nine's hand, still shaking slightly.

Infinite rolled his eyes, then the blocks disappeared around Mephiles, a void like portal opened up. Null Space, our headquarters so we'd never be found. Infinite was the only Mobian who could open up such a portal with the Phantom Ruby, even with it being shattered from previous fights with Sonic.  

Nine stepped in, forcing me to follow. Mephiles and Infinite arrived shortly after. 

A beeping was heard behind us, 'Welcome back.' A robotic female voice said, I turned to smile at the 'mechanically enhanced' version of Amy, Rusty Rose.  

She looked at me with emotionless eyes, 'You are shaking. Possible that target emotionally attacked you.' 

I shook my head, 'No, just scared me a little.'

Nine hissed, 'It's Shadow. Of course he did that.' He let go of my hand and went to a desk, starting to do some tech work.

Mephiles and Infinite were standing by me, 'Let's tell ya all about him, and then we're going to make a plan to stop him. All of us.' He gestured to the whole group. Nine, Rusty Rose, Infinite, me. And...

Chaos Sonic and Metal Sonic, who were head butting at each other as usual.

Mangey, another version of Tails who was just sleeping on the carpet.

Jet, Storm and Wave, all chit-chatting about who they may make their next target.

'We're going to take him down, even if it kills us.' Mephiles hissed.

(A/N) Infinite's beta name, Zero, isn't his real name in this because- I think it's stupid. So I threw it in translate and went through all the languages till I found one I liked. Please enjoy this-

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