-Chapter 18- (A Wound)

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I took out my dagger, 'Infinite, if you're wise, you'll stand down. You're no match for all of us.'

He chuckled, 'Good thing I'm not alone then.' I heard clinking along the ceiling, and I looked up to see Nine. His eyes were filled with rage.

'You're no better than him.' Nine growled.

I hissed at him, 'Don't give me that crap.' I crossed my arms, 'You took away my freedom.'

'You turned your back on us.' 

Infinite gave a small laugh, 'Last chance, Y/N. Join us again, and we can take them all down together.' He took a step inside the house.

A yellow blur jumped at Nine, making him fall onto the ground, 'SHIT.' He cursed, I looked to see Mangey tackling him to the ground, 'GET OFF.' He kicked and pried at Mangey, but he held on like a wild animal.

I looked to everyone else, nodding, 'I got Nine with Mangey, you guys get Infinite.' I ran and jumped at Nine, pulling his metal tails off Mangey. 

Mangey bit and clawed at Nine, who was hiding his pain and continued to fight back. I felt a surging pain in my back, and I let out a murderous scream. I gripped my dagger tightly, driving it into Nine's shoulder. 

The pain flared up more, and as I looked down, I saw one of Nine's metal tails through my back and stomach. Blood dripped from the tips, and my body was practically screaming in pain. I felt my heart pounding as I struggled to breathe. The room blurred around me, and I could hear the chaotic sounds of the battle continuing with Mangey and Nine.

Infinite's cold voice pierced through the haze, 'Well, well, looks like you made your choice.'

I clenched my teeth, fighting through the pain. With a determined glare, I whispered, "I'll never join you again."

Infinite raised an eyebrow, seemingly amused, "Stubborn to the end, I see."

Summoning every ounce of strength, I pulled myself off Nine's metal tail, collapsing to the floor. The pain was unbearable, but I couldn't let it stop me. I had to protect the ones I cared about.

Infinite took a step closer, and I could see the malicious gleam in his eyes. 'You should have accepted my offer. Now, you'll pay the price.'

With a sudden burst of energy, I lunged at Infinite, my dagger poised for a strike. He sidestepped effortlessly, and I stumbled forward, weakened by the injury. Infinite retaliated, landing a kick that sent me sprawling across the room.

As I struggled to rise, I saw my friends holding their own against Infinite's forces. The battle raged on, each moment crucial. Mangey, though injured, continued to fiercely attack Nine. Despite the odds, they fought with a tenacity fueled by the shared goal of protecting our freedom.

Infinite approached again, a wicked grin on his face. 'It seems your friends are just as stubborn as you are. Pity, they'll all fall together.'

Gritting my teeth, I tried to block out the pain. My dagger felt heavy in my hand, but I refused to let it drop. I had to find a way to turn the tide of this battle.

I let out a piercing scream, running towards Infinite, my eyes thick with rage. I swung my dagger, collapsing to the ground as it hit something. I heard voices, screaming my name. Telling me to hang on, demanding I do not die.

'This.' I managed to say, my voice echoing whilst my heart pounded in my ears, blood pouring on the ground as I spoke, 'Is my life. I won't let anyone take away my freedom.' I hissed out. I fell on the ground again, feeling someone apply pressure to my wound. 

A voice steadied me, 'Y/N. Slow down your breathing.' 

I looked to the side, a purple thing... Espio was his name. He was coming slowly into view through the fight and the blistering pain, 'You are in no condition to fight currently, let's get you out of here.' He picked me up, running out the door.

I looked inside the house where the fight was going on. Nine had been knocked out, and Infinite was struggling terribly against everyone. He wasn't exactly made for one-on-seven or something. My vision blurred again, and I felt fatigue and pain grasp me.

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