-Chapter 11- (Hanging Out)

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It has officially been one more month. I've figured out my powers pretty well, and we've avoided a lot of conflict with Infinite. Sure, there have been attacks from Eggman at least twice a day, but Sonic and his friends usually handle that. Silver went back to the future, as that was what he was meant to protect. I felt more at home with the freedom fighters than I have with the assassin group, but for some reason, they still trusted me to complete this. And that's what I was gonna do. 

Shadow was training me today. Amy was watching behind us, and this time, unlike all of our other fights, I intended to win. (Yes, we fought other times, but it ended relatively quickly)

I held out a hand, palm flat facing towards him. Shadow stood a few meters away, standing as if this would end as quickly as usual. I never had used my powers on Shadow, it felt wrong to use it on people without their permission, but I knew that if I were to actually be in a fight, I can't ask for permission.

I bolted forward as fast as I could, which unfortunately wasn't fast enough. Shadow suddenly appeared in front of me within the blink of an eye. I quickly ducked, feeling the wind graze over the tips of my ears. I tried grabbing at his wrist, but he backed just out of reach. I stumbled forward, my hands stopping my fall. 

Shadow stood above me, 'And how do you intend to beat me?' He asked.

I sighed, then spun my feet around, knocking them straight into the backs of his knees. By the time Shadow was on the ground, I was above him, shoving my foot into his back.

I smiled, 'Like that.' 

Shadow growled, and he simply rolled over, throwing me off of him. I protected my head, rolling into the ground and standing up. I flicked my tail impatiently as he stood up, his eyes bearing into my soul. 

'Impressive. But that's not enough to take down the Ultimate Life Form.' 

I chuckled, then sprinted towards him. He allowed me to get close before moving around and behind me, grabbing my wrist and holding it up against my back. Pain flared into my shoulder and back, I hissed through gritted teeth and grabbed Shadow's hand with the hand that was encaptured. 

I sprung over Shadow's head, landing on the ground behind him and throwing him over my shoulder, Finally. An opening. I held out a hand to Shadow. 

Shadow got to his feet and charged at me, I smiled and closed my eyes.

I kept my eyes closed for about ten seconds, before opening them and seeing Shadow's fist right in front of my face. I placed my hand around his fact, moving it to the side a little. His dark muzzle was slightly red. 

'What did you-' He looked at me.

'I used my powers. Figured they'd be useful in helping me take you down.' I chuckled.

He retracted his fist, 'Make it. Stop.' He hissed at me.

'Only if I win.'

That sparked his anger. He growled deeply, then closed his eyes in frustration, 'Fine.'

I jumped, letting him feel his own feelings, 'YES! Hehe, I winnn!' I spun around, 'I won against the Ultimate Life Formmm!' I poked his cheek while he glared daggers at me.

'What emotion did yo-'

'Humility. It works pretty well on you and Sonic.' I placed my hands behind my head.

'Nice job Y/N!' Amy told me.

'Thank yoooou!' I waved to Amy, I looked back at Shadow, 'Wanna go get some lunch?'

Shadow sighed, 'Sure.' 

I glanced at the rings around Shadow's wrists and ankles, 'So... uhm. What are those rings that you have?'

He looked to me, 'They're my inhibitor rings. As the ultimate life form, they serve a specefic purpose in my abilities.' He paused for a moment, as if he was contemplating how much information to divulge. Shadow continued with a measured tone, 'My natural abilities, driven by the chaos energy within me, are incredibly powerful. These rings are designed to limit and control that power. Without them, my strength and speed could become overwhelming, even uncontrollable.'

I sat down on a rock, now fully invested in what he was telling me.

Shadow leaned back against a tree, his gaze fixed on the rings as if lost in thought. 'They were created to keep me in check, to prevent any unintentional havoc or misuse of my abilities. It's a precaution, you could say.'

I looked at him in awe, 'So, I was fighting you at barely any strength? It's like a way to pull your punches?'

He nodded, 'That would be correct.' 

I stood up, 'That's incredible!' I grinned. Shadow seemed surprised at my reaction, his ears flattening close to his head. I grabbed his wrist, dragging him towards the town, 'Come on! Using my powers makes me hungry.'

I felt him tug against me, 'Y/N.' He said.

'Yeah?' I turned to look at him, his eyes were fixated on something.

'On the night where we met. Why did you have a dagger?'

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