-Chapter 16- (Removing The Past)

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As Y/N explained the truth about the reason why they were here, I could see doubt and fear enter his eyes. I stood next to them, looking at the chip inside their neck. 

I couldn't stop thinking about how someone could do this. Place a chip in someone who was at first fully committed to doing what they were told. But now, they wanted nothing more than to be free. Something I could relate to wholeheartedly.

Tails nodded briefly, 'If you're serious... let's get to work.'

Y/N nodded slowly, glancing at me, 'Uhm... can you stay here?' They asked me.

I sighed, 'Fine.' My arms crossed over my chest as Tails led Y/N to a small table. He adjusted some lights and grabbed tools.

'Do you want a sleep medica-'

'No.' They replied, I assumed it had something to do with how the group treated them, but I wasn't going to push anything until they were free.

Tails looked at me, worry now filled his ocean-blue eyes, 'It's going to be painful.. are you sure?'

I walked to where they both were as Y/N let out a shaky breath, 'I can handle it.'

Tails nodded uncertainly, glancing at me one more time before taking a look at the chip in their neck. He held up a pair of some form of scissors, one I did not care to know the name of. He dug underneath their skin with the metal, making Y/N flinch. 

Something stirred within me, something I couldn't understand. I placed a hand on their shoulder, squeezing it as Tails continued, 'Just a little longer.' I told them. However, Y/N seemed to pull away from the touch, making me pull my hand back. I glanced at how Tails was doing, and he had managed to free a corner of the chip from their neck.

My eyes widened, I could see wires, connecting to their spine, and blood running along it, 'What kind of...' I whispered. Tails shared a look with me, one of fear. I quickly grabbed both of Y/N's arms, pinning them down to the table. 

'What are you doing?' They asked, struggling a bit, they turned their head to look at me.

'This part is going to hurt.' I looked them in the eye, 'I'm just helping.'

They gritted their teeth, facing their head down on the table again. I nodded to Tails, and he gave a slow tug at the wires from the chip. Y/N sucked in a sharp breath, then Tails quickly continued. 

What kind of maniac would even think this okay? And without their consent? Anger boiled up inside of me, regardless of their past feelings, they were still Mobian, and they had feelings and thoughts that should've been kept to themselves.

'Just rip it out.' Y/N hissed, 'I'll deal with the pain.'

Tails hesitated, then tugged at the wires, pulling out miniature chips attached to the wires. They let out a scream, struggling against me. I continued to hold them down, 'Keep going, fox.' I said, putting more pressure on the A/T. Tails took a deep, shaky breath, then managed to get another corner of the chip off. 

More wires.

I winced at the sight of this, but then I had an idea, 'It's okay.' I told Y/N, 'Think of the sunset you saw with Sonic.' I whispered in their flattened ear. They took a deep breath, relaxing themselves and gluing their eyes shut.

I gave Tails the signal, and he used the scissor-type tool to yank the rest of the chip and wires out. He stumbled back, grabbing a gauze and applying it to their bleeding neck.

'Is it fatal?' I asked.

'No, it shouldn't be. No one would've made this procedure here if they weren't able to live from it.' He said quickly. 

'It's okay.' Y/N whispered to themselves, 'They can't get to you anymore.' I saw a tear fall from their eye, one of joy and not fear. I let go of them, and they grabbed the gauze, pressing it to their neck while sitting up. 

They sucked in a breath, 'Okay, I owe you all an explanation.' They gave a small, weak smile.

'Lay down, that was painful for you.' I told them.

'I can handle it.' They said.

Tails put his hands out, 'Y/N- you're-' 

'If anything I'll just pass out, don't worry, Infinite and Meph have done worse.'

I tilted my head to the side, 'Meph?'

They looked at me, 'He looks a lot like you... just uh- without a mouth and more edgy.'

'Edgy?' I scoffed, turning to look away, 'Sure.'

'Okay, someone help me get to somewhere where I can tell everyone everything.' Y/N said, standing up from the table. Tails at first wandered to them, but they pushed a hand out, 'I got it.' They took a deep and sharp inhale, then walked past me to the door. 

'You can't just walk that off!' Tails exclaimed, full of worry.

I rolled my eyes, then walked to them, looping an arm around Y/N's shoulder. They looked up at me, 'I got it.'

'You just got part of your nervous system taken out and betrayed a bunch of people who you called family.' I pointed out, 'Emotionally and physically, let me help you.' 

'I need to do this... Nine will notice any moment that the chip is disconnected.' They said.

'Good thing I'm fast.' I mumbled, hoisted them up, 'Let's go.'

They looked at me, 'Thank... thank you.' They wrapped their arms around my neck.

'You're lighter than you look.' I said with a small smile.

'The fuck is that supposed to mean?' They let go of my neck, punching me in the shoulder.

I chuckled, 'Let's just get going.'

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