-Chapter Twenty-Three- (2 won)

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TW: Mentions of vomit, Descriptions of/shown violence, Death


My mind was blank. It was cold... painfully cold.

The pain had soon grown hot. And the sudden change caused the black ink to exit my mouth. But my mind made it purple... not black.

It was so painful. And the pain in my head never ended it only grew more.

A deep, glitched chuckle was heard from behind me. I turned around, the purple-black ink still dripping down. "Glitchtrap..." I understood my voice, but it was entirely glitched. I knew because he looked at me with confusion.

"Did you just swear at me?" The rabbit placed a hand on his hip.

I spoke again, but I couldn't understand it. Speaking was painful... and it was completely glitched.

"Oh... It seems like children can't really handle being under my control..." he muttered before grinning. "That's not a problem! It just makes my job plenty easier!"

My voice was gone and glitched. The presence of Y/N no longer existed. Their red glow seems like a faint memory to me... I hated it. I knew I was going to die... and I couldn't even talk back... hell... moving, fighting back was an honest pain.

And, I had no doubts that the previous Y/N was able to do anything with no issues. And yet... they were killed. The damn glitch killed them like they'll kill me...

"Oh, little Lamb," the rabbit grinned and chuckled like he always does. "I won't kill you persè... but I'll just.. adjust your body so I can properly control it.

All I could do was stare at him. My mind was his own... and I was suddenly on an experiment type of table. When he came closer to me, he began to pull at my limbs.

The screams that left my mouth were filled with static and glitched noises. His hands pull my limbs apart, connecting them in ways that's entirely painful. He tears my skin in so many places, which makes the pain so much more horrible.

"How upsetting, I could've used an older body, but this one... this works decent enough. It's too bad that when I wake up, it will look so different." Glitchtrap said as a chip of sorts was stabbed into my neck.

I let out another static, glitched scream. Tears ran down my face. But they weren't water tears... no... they were inky... much like the vomit. But they weren't purple... they weren't black. But rather, making my vision red, I knew the tears were red.

Soon, I felt nothing... I felt no pain. I heard nothing. Everything was black, I couldn't even see Glitchtrap, who was basically right in front of me....

I... I was dead...


"They say a child possessing something they loved is more common nowadays..."


"How odd..."



This ending was chosen most, and... uhm... Sorry it was so short...

3rd book..? Maybe?

Also, my next book that I'm making will be called: ○Smile For Me○

Now then, have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

514 Words

(Is it cheating to use outside sources? I mean, asking irl people to pick one or two?)

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