what's this restlessness?

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I swing my arms about
Walk to and fro
lie down on the floor

Suddenly jump up
I want to go here, there
is it FOMO?

I needed to get something
Nearly forgot

As soon as I go down the stairs
open the fridge
I forget what I was there for

Nevermind, I'll just grab some snacks
But the moment I get back 
I remember what I left for

Jumping up and down
Let's go!
But where?
Decide first, then go

What am I so fidgety about?
I don't know
Hoping people would know
Or should I self-diagnose?

Not to mention, my thoughts
They seem restless too
Like a hundred tabs in Chrome
some music here
a thought there
What do I concentrate on?

Take a step back(yes, literally)
A deep breath
Be still
Reflect or think slowly
Then decide what to do

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