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///Theodore Nott///

This was an exploratory mission, he had to remind himself that. When he sent the owl to Riddle earlier, he had told him he was going to find a way in, not storm the castle wands a blazing. Now that he was actually on Malfoy property, he wanted to see how far he could go. When he apparated in the woods behind the manor, he had a plan to just check if there was a weak spot on the protection charms, maybe find a place where they had missed.

He had been to Malfoy Manor many times before, mostly to the lavish Christmas parties Draco's parents would throw, inviting all pureblood families to attend. This was the Malfoy's downfall. At Nott manor, there was a small tunnel that led through the kitchen and out the backway. This was installed long before his father was born to insure that guests would never see the house elves. He had remembered Lucius Malfoy explaining to his father that they housed their elves in a small house outside of the kitchens instead of inside the manor like they did.

It was said in a bragging tone, as if to say he had enough money house more elves and they would never truly be seen. No one talks about money more than people that have too much of it. If Lucius was telling the truth, then he would have the same type of tunnel and it would be near the elf housing. He walked around the perimeter, casting disillusionment even though it was near midnight at this point. You could never be too careful. He was watching where he was stepping as well, making sure he didn't fall into a trap. The Malfoy's had been lazier than he thought. With every whisper of revelio, there was nothing.

Then he saw it, the elf housing. It was a small building looking like miniature town homes placed on the edge of the property. Several house elves were outside, talking amongst themselves. He waited for what seemed like a long time, trying to see if anyone would come out of a tunnel. It was nearing the last shift, so surely a few stragglers would come crawling out. As he spied on the elves, he thought about what Mattheo had told him in front of the portrait last night. If you take away the things that Malfoy was proud of, he would be nothing.

He himself had everything taken away. His home, his father, his girlfriend. He should be nothing too. But here he was, still standing, still fighting. He didn't really know why, but he had an idea. The fire for Olivia that was thought to be put out was now glowing brighter than ever. Their time in the library had re-ignited his love for her. No matter how many times his love would be taken away, he would always fall for her. Again, and again. He made a promise that day under the stairs at Hogwarts. He promised he would fight for them. He was going to keep that promise.

He was going to unleash that flame in his heart. He was going to let it all out and burn down Malfoy Manor. As he watched a group of elves come out of a small trap door from the ground, he knew he had his opening. Fuck an exploratory mission. He was going to get her out of here tonight. He waited for just a tad bit longer, making sure all the elves were tucked away inside their little houses. If he was seen by any of them, they would tell their master instantly. They would be too scared to be punished later if they chose to let him go.

Once he was sure the coast was clear, he circled around the gate surrounding the vast property. There had to be a weak spot somewhere, he just hoped it wouldn't be on the other side. After searching for a while, he was starting to think this was more of a job for Riddle. He remembered the young man talking about breaking down the protection charms in order to get the ring. Maybe he should just cut his loses and owl Riddle again. Tell him exactly how to get in. Theo clenched his jaw at the thought of him saving Olivia. He would be the hero. He would get the glory. No, It should be up to him to save his girl. He was going to get into this damned place. With his father dead and his love for Olivia restored, he had nothing to lose. Nothing to tether himself to the dark lord. The Dark Lord fucked up by taking what was his, now he was going to unleash his anger.

The Dark Promise// Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now