CH 14

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The school was very lively the next day as it always was on the last day of classes before Christmas break. The air of Christmas usually put Theo in a good mood during the month of December, but this year he felt no such thing. He was busy making a plan of his own, given the information he already had. It was a little hard to make a plan without Olivia since he had relied so heavily on her last couple of weeks, but he meant what he said yesterday morning. He had to do this alone.

He spent all free time he had throughout the day reading on healing spells. He knew his basic ones for sure, but if his father was seriously injured, he would need a little more than episkey. There was also the chance that his father would be a shell of himself after giving you-know-who parts of what made him well, him. If that was the case, he would have to find a place to hide out with his father, a place where no one could find them. That was why he was reluctant to promise Olivia to write. If she knew where they were, he would not only be putting himself in danger, but her as well.

As he sat in his last advanced potions class of the semester, he tried not to stare at her. Their conversation didn't go well yesterday. Sure, he kissed her and promised he would keep in touch, but something felt odd about it. She had told him she loved him, and he could feel it was sincere. When she said it, he could feel his heart soar but also a pain in his chest. He was the one who drug her into this mess, a selfish request on his part. The thing was he couldn't stay away from her, because he meant it when he said he loved her too. He loved her more than anyone else in this world. She was the brightest star in the sky and all he wanted to do was stare at her shining light.

In a perfect world, this would be easy. Maybe if he wasn't a pureblood or was sorted into Gryffindor like her. He was starting to hate everything about himself. Why did he have to be born into a death eater family? He never wanted to be a regular wizard more than he did now. Olivia was seemingly paying attention to Snape, taking notes as she usually did with her long hair pulled up in a clip that resembled a golden snitch. Her glasses were sinking down low on her nose, making her have to push them up every ten minutes.

He felt as if he stared at her long enough, she could feel his gaze and look up at him. That didn't happen though. Her eyes stayed on Snape's lecture, not once looking at him. When class was over, she was slow to gather her things, seemingly waiting for everyone to leave first. Theo walked over to her, standing to her side. "Are you upset at me? Do you never want to see me again?" He asked, pulling his hands nervously in his pockets. Olivia didn't look up at him, still putting the rest of her books in her bag. "No, I'm not angry at you at all. I just can't talk to you right now. I have a lot to say, and this isn't the time." The truth was, if she looked into his face, she wasn't sure if she would be able to stop herself from crying.

Theo leaned over, his voice sounding desperate. "When can we talk then? We have to leave tomorrow." Olivia gulped throwing the strap to her bookbag over herself. "I have my choir recital during dinnertime. We can talk after that." Theo nodded in understanding. She wanted to keep her composure for her solo. He wanted to hear her sing too. Originally it was her wit and quick thinking that had captured him, then it was her singing voice that got him hooked. "Ok, then I'll meet you outside of the Great Hall afterwards." He said, letting her walk in front of him. She responded by only a nod, keeping her face forward. He looked down at her bookbag as he walked behind her. It was wide open and slouchy, full of every textbook she had. He decided to take an opportunity and place the Stephen King novel he had been reading in it. She didn't even notice.

That night he sat in the Great Hall, anxiously anticipating his talk with Olivia. The Hall was beautifully decorated for the holiday. Large Christmas trees were lined outside the walkways and a glorious feast had been prepared by the house elves. Before everyone could eat their fill, Headmaster Dumbledore stepped up to the podium, making the whole hall silent. "I know we have had an interesting semester, especially the last few weeks. Strong feelings have been felt. One of fear and one of relief. Do not fear your feelings, embrace them. Use them to your advantage. Because every single part of you is beautiful and powerful."

The Dark Promise// Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now