CH 45

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Bill had given her some time to collect herself. She had wished she ate more of the food Mattheo had brought to her, because she was suddenly feeling abit weak. She went inside her tent to splash some water on her face. When she looked in the mirror all she could see was her bloodshot eyes and the deep circles underneath them. It was written all over her face that she wasn't happy, and Malfoy would know that. She tied her hair into a high ponytail and left the tent, walking up to the main house to meet Bill on the front porch. "I know your smart Olivia, I'm not questioning your intelligence, but you have to be weary of him. He will say anything to get you on his side. Don't let sweet words cloud your judgement."

Olivia nodded, not taking offense. She knew very well how Malfoy could be. "I won't I promise." She said before taking a deep breath. "Good, because we will be using this just in case." He held up a pair of extendable ears, one of the Weasley twin's inventions for sure. This made her uncomfortable. They weren't going to be truly alone as she thought. What if they were to get on the topic of more intimate matters between them? Then the whole order would know all the dirty details of her screwed up relationship with Malfoy. She knew it was the smart thing to do though. They couldn't just take her word for it, they would have to hear from it themselves.

She followed him into the house and up the stairs, leading her into a small room she had never been to before. He opened the door and let her in, closing it behind her. His wrists were bound by a pair of handcuffs that were fastened to an old muggle radiator. His shirt was ripped and his shoes were taken from him, no doubt to inspect them for any hidden notes he had tucked away in the soles. His face had indeed been badly burned and he certainly was not the cocky pretty boy she had come to know. His hair was unkept and slightly greasy. Malfoy had not been taking care of himself.

"Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes. I didn't actually believe the Weasley prick when he said he would let you talk to me." He said, stretching his legs out in front of him. Olivia took a seat on the floor directly adjacent to him, crossing her legs with a serious look. "Why are you here Malfoy?" She asked, her voice monotone. "I already told you. I wanted to see you. You're all I've been thinking about since you left me." There was a sadness to this sentence, like she had betrayed him by leaving with Theo. Olivia kept her composure, ignoring his romantic words. "Bill said you wanted immunity for your help. Malfoy, you not only murdered muggleborns, but you also murdered Dumbledore. You don't really think that they would grant you that do you?" She said, trying to coax some real emotion from him.

Draco leaned against the wall, his blue eyes looking like they were seeing right into her soul. "Maybe. I'm the only one who can do it at this point. Mattheo is deemed a traitor and he never liked his son anyway. I could just tell him I was out searching for the order if he asks where I have been. He won't suspect that I have double crossed him." He explained. What he was saying was true. If anyone was going to infect the dark lord again, it would be Malfoy. This didn't explain why he was betraying the dark lord. Sure, after the Horcruxes were destroyed it rendered Voldemort weak, but they still very much could win. They could slaughter the order without them laying a finger on anymore Horcruxes. Malfoy would live the rest of his life in luxury just as he always did. It was much too soon for him to go AWOL now.

"We can't just take your word for it. You have to give us something at least. Something of importance." She said, clenching at the fabric to her sweatpants. She wanted to believe him so desperately. She wanted to think he really did want to help them. All he has to do is work with her a little. Malfoy thought for a about thirty seconds, making the air about the room feel very uncomfortable. Her eyes never left his face. Then burn looked painful still and slightly raw. She wanted to hold him and ask if he was ok. She shook that thought out of her head. This was order business. She was here for the order and nothing else. Finally, he answered her question. "I have two pieces of information I could tell you but I'm not sure I want to tell you just yet. Maybe you will have to coax it out of me? I am your prisoner after all." He said with a sly smile. Now she knew he was playing a game with her. Using her loyalty to the order against her. "Don't mess around Malfoy. Just tell me so I can tell Bill you can be trusted. Make this easier on both of us." She realized something after she said that. He was the one who made the list of horcruxes she found. He knew what exactly the picture was. "The picture." She whispered.

The Dark Promise// Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now