CH 12

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Olivia had been standing there for close to two hours at his point. She could feel the spell wearing off but at an unbearably slow pace. She could blink now and talk but still couldn't move her arms and legs. Part of her wanted Theo to come find her but another desperately didn't. If he did, she would have to explain what just happened with Draco. If she told him Malfoy just molested her while she couldn't fight back, there was no way she could stop him from killing the boy.

Not that Malfoy didn't deserve it, but it would be Theodore paying the consequences. She closed her eyes, trying to concentrate on moving her fingers. After about five minutes she was able to wiggle her pinky. A success! Now time to work on the others. When she was able to move her fingers, the rest came easier. She was now able to move her arms, then her torso, then finally her legs. Three hours after being immobilized, she was finally able to walk again. She quickly left the come and go room, running to her next class. Advanced potions.

She dreaded seeing Theo. She was a bad liar, and she knew once he saw her face, he would know something was up. She had to think of a way to tell Theo the truth, without fully telling him the truth. The thought of lying to him felt like a pit in her stomach. She had just told him yesterday that he didn't have to hide anything from her. Now she was the one hiding things. She felt like a hypocrite. This was for his own good though. Anything to keep him from killing his classmate and going to Azkaban right along with Gregory Goyle.

She walked into class ten minutes late. Every eye was on her as she walked in, quietly taking her seat. "You are late Cornwell. I was also Informed you had skipped two of your morning classes. Explain yourself." Professor Snape asked in a monotone voice. Olivia bit the side of her lip, glancing at Theo for a mere second. Theo had his head turned to the side, also invested on what she had to say. It would seem he noticed that she had skipped her morning classes as well.

"I wasn't feeling very well this morning and got stuck in the bathroom. To be honest Professor, It was from an old mouse pop I found in my drawer. I've had it for at least three years, so it probably wasn't edible anymore." The whole class belted in laughter, all except Theo who whose face was contorted into one of utter confusion.

"Silence!" Snape yelled, turning his attention to Olivia again. "If you were sick, you should have gone to the nurse or told McGonagall. Five points from Gryffindor and you will receive detention after dinner." The other Gryffindors in the class groaned. At this rate there was no way they would win the House Cup this year.

"That's bullshit! She was sick. You can't give her detention for being sick!" Theo said, his brows furled, and his tone was one of outrage. Snape's deadpan expression turned into one of annoyance. Whenever it was a fellow Slytherin acting up, he acted more irritated, as if he expected better from the house. "I can give detention for whatever I please Nott. You can join her tonight."

Theo waited until Snape turned around to flash Olivia a big smile. She sighed, realizing what he had just done. Getting himself in trouble just to have detention with her? Yes, that was something he would do.

When class was dismissed, Theo pulled her to the side. "A mouse pop? Really?" He said cocking his brow as he stared at her. Olivia chewed at the side of her mouth, desperately trying to figure out what to say to him. "I went to the come and go room. To try to find Malfoy's vanishing cabinet." Theo's eyes widened at her answer. "You went without telling me? What if something bad were to happen? Olivia you could have been caught." He said in a low voice, leaning closer to her. "But I wasn't. I was so busy tearing the place apart I didn't realize how long I had been there. You can lose track of time there easily." She had hoped she sounded convincing. If Theo saw through her, he would not only be murderous but angry at her for lying.

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