Ch 32

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///Olivia Cornwell//

Exhaustion finally took over her body.  In the last twenty-four hours she had barely slept, ate, and was covered in her own blood. If she was going to be of sound body and mind, she needed to take care of herself. She took that hot bath and Malfoy suggested, feeling her wounds sting as she cleaned them with anti-bacterial soap. When she was cleaned and sanitized, she put her hair in one long braid that went down her back. It was only then she realized she had no clean clothing to wear. Did Malfoy just want her to be naked the whole time? She wouldn't doubt it. She hated that nightgown she was given at the castle, but at least it was something.

She went back into Malfoy's closet, grabbing a long white button up from one of the hangers. If he asked if she had been in his closet, she could truthfully say yes now. No lying required. She put it on and slipped into bed, sleep quickly taking over. She half expected for Malfoy to come back in and give her an odd dream like he once did before, but she didn't dream about anything. If she did, she didn't remember it. She woke up close to midnight, hearing a small knock at the door before it unlocked. An older woman walked in with a tray of food, sitting it down on the side table. "Your dinner miss." Was all she said before walking back towards the door.

Part of Olivia wanted to ask the woman to leave the door unlocked, knowing she would be putting both her and the maid in danger. She decided against it, only saying a small thank you. She would have to be smarter than that if she was going to escape. She had been thinking about something while taking care of herself today. Something Ominis Sallow had said in his book. Were some people just lost causes? Was it too late for them? Would it be too late for Malfoy? What if she tried to make him change his ways? Make him see things from her point of view? Would Malfoy ever feel remorseful for what he had done?

Mattheo had told her he had been giving dreams to the Dark Lord for years, ever since he was young. He would be the only one able to talk to the snake man while he was laying dormant. The Dark Lord probably groomed him from a young age, making him further believe in the ideology his parents had already instilled in him. She felt bad for Malfoy, one thing she would never say when before she was given these feelings for him. She had been given his joy, and it was the most beautiful feeling in the world. She was sad he could never have that back.

She thought about this while eating, shoving things haphazardly in her mouth, almost forgetting to chew. She was starving. She ate until she was almost sick, collapsing on the bed as she massaged her stomach, trying to will herself to burp for more room. Tonight she would have a real talk with Malfoy. She would try to get him to see things her way. If he truly loved her, he would hear her out. She just hoped she wouldn't get sidetracked by his charms. That was the last thing she needed was to feel anymore shame.

Olivia wouldn't have to wait long. After finally letting out a burp, she heard the door unlock once more, walking in a tired Malfoy. He threw his gloves and cloak on the floor, slipping off his shoes and neatly putting them in the closet. Her heart skipped a beat when he did, but was quickly relieved when he closed the door, seemingly unaware of her snooping. He finally turned his attention to her, placing his hands on his hips. "I quite like that look on you. You look beautiful in my shirt."

Olivia couldn't help but blush at that comment, hoping he didn't noticed the pink that was painted on her face. "It's not like you gave me a choice." She said in a sassy tone, knowing he liked it when she was a bit haughty. He chuckled at this comment. "Don't worry, I'll have some things ordered for you. This is certainly fine for now." He bent over, cupping both hands on her cheeks before placing a soft kiss on her lips. He placed one knee on the bed where she was sitting and trailed his kisses further down, trying to leave small love bites on her neck. Shit. This was exactly what she didn't want. The couldn't have a serious discussion while he was sucking on her neck, she needed to stall. "Malfoy, can I ask you a question?" She breathed out, hoping he would stop.

The Dark Promise// Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now