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"Harper, stop fussing over him. He's fine, it's barely a scratch." I grit out as I watch my mate fluff the cushion behind Kit's back for the third time before she throws me a disapproving look, ignores me then continues to pour all her attention on my brother.

Kit on the hand looks like the cat that's got the cream, relishing in being nursed by my mate and even gives me he winks making me want to throttle him.

"He could have died, Taylor. You could show a little more concern." Harper berates me.

"He was shot in the shoulder. It's fuck all. I'm more concerned about how that fucker got in here." Jenson growls, not even looking up from his laptop where he's sat the furthest away from us in the alcove of Kit's office tapping furiously on the keys as he scans the CCTV footage.

Kit had returned to the pack last night, leaving myself and Harper in the city. However, as soon as we got the call that there was an assassination attempt on my brother, we took the next flight back to assess the damage. Surprisingly he was attacked whilst walking in the gardens here at the Lotus Moon pack lands. Although the damage to my brother is minor, it's a major security breach and Jenson, who's responsible for pack protection, is rightfully concerned about how this happened. After all, this wasn't some accident. Kit was shot by a silver tipped bullet.

"But who would do this?" Harper huffs as she finally leaves my brother's side and perches on the arm of a nearby chair. "I mean, Kit's so nice. I don't get it. A rival pack?"

Kit throws me a shit eating grin after being called 'nice' as I roll my eyes at him, but that is the burning question. Who is to blame? Worryingly, I suspect it's an inside job, a member of our own pack.

"This isn't for you to worry about Harper. Stuff like this happens to wolves of rank. As soon as I stepped up as an Alpha, I put a target on my back. It's just how things are." Kit shrugs, he's trying to make light of the situation, but I know my brother, he might act the nice guy, but deep down he has a ruthless side. A level one predator.

Whoever attacked him is fucked.

"Nothing. Fucking Nothing." Jenson growls looking frustrated as he slams his laptop shut. "I want to see the letters, all of them."

Harper's head snaps to Jenson, before she frowns. "What letters?"

"This has nothing to do with you, blondie." Jenson says coolly. "For your own safety, I'd rather you not get involved in my investigation. After all, you're Kit's secretary, not bodyguard."

"Personal assistant." Harper and I growl back in unison as my mate throws me a huge smile that makes my dick twitch before she scowls at my younger brother.

"What letters?" Harper repeats, but this time to the alpha.

Kit finally stops smirking and runs an agitated hand through his hair. "They're nothing. I've been getting them for years. They're just from disgruntled pack members. Small fry stuff."

Harper gets to her feet and crosses her arms over. "Disgruntled pack members? Like who?"

"What you have to understand is the Lotus Moon pack has grown in size considerably since I took it over as Alpha. In that time, we negotiated and brought out several smaller packs and merged them into our pack. Our territory is so big now sectors are overseen by around thirty deltas, many of which used to be the former Alpha's of that area. Some packs adapted well, some struggled with the change and wanted their independence back. But the deals were done and now the land and the wolves that live there are mine." Kit explains as he winces getting up, before going to a lower desk drawer and pulling out a large mass of letters.

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