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"Toby, just get it done, will you? I need those new warriors training rotas for Kit by noon." I bark impatiently at the surly bastard standing in front of my desk who just growled at me for what must be the fifth time today.

I hate working up at the pack house, but with Jenson gone I've had no choice to be here more often than I like to oversee the daily running of the pack now I've not got my little brother reporting to me. And fuck is this guy hard work to supervise. I don't know how Jenson did it for so long but then I guess my little brother was always good with dealing with wolves better than I ever was.

My brows furrow as I watch the head warrior and captain of the Deltas look over his work sheet, I've just handed him scowling as my wolf grows irritated by every passing minute. Every task I throw Toby's way seems to have some issue or another and I'm starting to get a bit sick of his shitty attitude.  I get it, Toby blames me for Jenson leaving and for him taking on the extra workload but if he can't find a way to work with me during this interim period whilst the Gamma is away then he's gonna find his ass demoted.

"I'm stretched as it is. These extra patrols Alpha Christian wants to implement are not going to go down with my wolves." Grumbles Toby not looking up from the worksheet as I fight the urge not to roll my eyes at him.

"I'll speak to the Alpha about your concerns. Now are we done here, warrior?" I say bluntly as I wave my hand towards my office door.

To my surprise, Toby doesn't move but looks like he wants to say something. So, sitting back in my chair, I raise my eyebrow as if for him to spit it out.

"Have you heard from the Gamma." He says quietly, his tone changing somewhat. "Just thought... maybe he might have checked in or something."

Toby and Jenson have been best friends for as long as I can remember, they've been pretty inseparable since kindergarten. Sometimes I forget it's not just me that misses him.

"No, he hasn't." I say quietly.

Toby doesn't even try and hide his disappointment as he sighs before his eyes lock onto the floor.

"Are we done here now warrior?" I repeat, but this time with a lot less hostility as Toby slowly nods then turns towards my office door.

However, before he can even reach the door, it swings open and the warrior Marcus runs in.

"Beta Taylor." Marcus says breathlessly as I stand up from my chair.

"What is it?" I frown on high alert.

"It's your car, Beta. That old Shelby of yours." Marcus pants before pointing to the window. "It's coming up fast from the North Gate and not slowing down for anyone."

Frowning, I dart over to the window before flinging open my balcony door and scrunching my eyes just in time to see my newly restored black Shelby GT500CR racing down the driveway with loud music blaring from the radio.

"Who's stupid enough to steal your wheels?" Toby murmurs as a big smirk hits my lips and I shake my head before chuckling.

She's un-fucking-believable.

I love that car, it's one the few things in my life that I own that I truly love but goddamn it do I love the girl who's driving it a thousand times more.

I watch with a bemused smile on my lips and my arms crossed over as my prized car screeches to a halt spraying driveway stones everywhere after speeding down the lane like it's in the Monte Carlo Grand prix. My wolf rumbles with adoration in my chest when both car doors fling open and two laughing, she-wolfs step out into the sunlight.

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