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After a good twenty-minute jog from the main pack house I'm pleasantly surprised to find a huge old Victorian type of Orangery building at the far end of the estate's gardens. It's not an area I'd ever ventured to as I know the estates warriors are housed and run their drills near here. As I enter the main door this place is utterly jaw dropping. The entrance hall has insanely high floor to ceiling glass windows and arched roofs, so when it's a stormy day like it is today, the rain makes a pleasing sound on the glass. There's a small indoor pond inside and plants everywhere. There are also armchairs and small book cases scattered around and I spot what looks like an empty room just off to the left that is full of yoga mats with a view of the forest.

"What is this place?" I whisper as my eyes search and study every element of the grand room but yelp with surprise when I suddenly feel Jenson place a thick hoodie over my shoulders as my eyes snap to him.

"You're soaking." Jenson smirks, before he reaches behind my neck and flicks my damp hair from out the back.

For some reason this innocent touch makes me blush and I quickly step away from him not liking that he just made me react that way.

"Well, who's fault is that?" I snap back as I turn my back to him and walk closer to the pond and look down to see there is actual fish in this fucking thing.

"By all means don't wear my jumper." Jenson says playfully before he comes up behind me and leans down and whispers in my ear. "But I should mention blondie, your blouse has gone a little see through in the rain."

Instantly, I look down and see my white bra can be completely seen through my wet blouse, even my peach nipples are a little on show through the delicate fabric as I gasp and quickly dart away, zipping the hoody up frantically as Jenson chuckles behind me. Whipping around to scowl at him, I go to snap at him some more, but he cuts me off by flicking his head for me to follow him before he starts to stroll off down the corridor making me growl with frustration.

I turn to look at the front door, then back to the corridor where Jenson has just disappeared down. Maybe I should just leave, my wolf seems a little... strange here alone with Jenson. Ever since I was marked my hormones and senses have been way off and all my instincts have pulled me towards Taylor morning and night. However, more recently I've been feeling more like myself as my body has got used to Taylors venom and our bond has settled. I like the feeling; I like the mating link I feel to Taylor especially when we are being intimate. However, I also like that I'm feeling like myself again and I still want him from my own free will. That It's not just the venom clouding my head and pushing us together anymore. I feel awake. Like it's my choice to be with him or not.

Hesitating by the door, I suddenly breath in Jenson's jumper and weirdly begin to relax, it's very subtle but it's not the first time his scent has had this effect on me. The night I stupidly took Bella D, I remember finding comfort in breathing in Jenson's top that I was wearing when I was out of my mind in pain. Even when he carried me back to the cabin after I saw Taylor shift for the first time and I had been scared, this scent seemed to take the edge of my fear. I'd not really connected the dots before until this moment, but I'd be lying to myself if I didn't say that his Juniper and Pine scent wasn't pleasing to me. It feels familiar, I just can't quite put my finger on why. I wonder if this what happens when you connect with a new family, a new pack. New scents make you feel... well safe.

"Hey, you are coming?" Jenson says cocking a raised brow at me as he emerges at the far end of the corridor and waves me over.

Chewing on my bottom lip, I slowly nod before wrapping my arms around myself in the huge warm jumper and continue to follow the Gamma deep into the large old building.

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