Paolo's Life

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One night, in Karai's base, Karai was sitting on her throne. "Firestride!" she called, referring to Paolo. No response. "Firestride!" she called again, "Get over here!" No response, and he did not go over to Karai. So as a result, Karai yelled, "Mutant turtle!" 

And only then did Paolo go over to Karai. "Yes?" he said with a bow. "I called you twice," she said, narrowing her eyes. "Huh?" But I never heard you call my name?" Paolo said, standing up. "I called your name, Firestride," Karai said, angry. "Ah. I'm used to being called Paolo, not Firestride," Paolo said, pronouncing his name as "Pah-oh-loh." Karai rolled her eyes and said, 

"Very well, then. Instead of Firestride, I shall call you Paolo." "Yes, Lady Karai," Paolo said with another bow. "Could you... perhaps... tell me your siblings' names?" Karai asked, knowing this would gain her some leverage. "Yes, ma'am. The oldest is Marcantonio, then it's Titian, Plautilla, and lastly, Levina," Paolo said, nervous as to why she asked. "Thank you," she said, leaning back in her throne. "You're welcome, Lady Karai," Paolo said with a third bow. 

Then a Foot Solider approached Karai, handing her a paper, and whispered something. Karai nodded, then read the paper and the Foot Soldier bowed and left. "It appears the Hamato Clan has some new allies. Two humans, to be exact," Karai said, setting the paper down. "Oh?" Paolo said, curious. "Yes, one appears to be a high schooler, the other, a middle schooler," Karai said, looking at Paolo directly in the eyes. 

Then Karai started thinking to herself. She then got an idea. "I have an idea," she said, her eyes lighting up. "Would you mind telling me this idea, Lady Karai?" Paolo said, getting down on one knee and bowing, which was something he had to do to request something from Karai. Karai debated for a few seconds, before eventually saying, "I suppose..." So, you know that pit of mutagen we have?" she asked, standing up and walking down the steps to Paolo. "Yes," Paolo said, watching Karai intently. "Well, we could kidnap one of those two humans and use them to get what we want from the Hamato Clan... After all, they refuse to leave someone behind," Karai said, lifting Paolo's chin up, as if she was reading his face. "Yes, Lady Karai," Paolo said, as deadpan as possible with as much admiration in his eyes as he could muster. 

"It's late. There are no missions for you. You're dismissed," Karai said, removing her hand from Paolo's chin and walking back to her throne. "Yes, Lady Karai," Paolo said, bowing one final time, standing up, and walking away.

He then went to the room he was assigned, took off his uniform, and took out a piece of paper and a pen. He then quickly wrote on the paper, rushing the writing. He then took out an envelope and shoved the paper into the envelope. He then wrote something on the envelope and closed it. He then cloned himself, gave his clone the envelope, and said, "You know where to go." The clone nodded, then left.

The night seemed to pass quickly, and Paolo was tired when he awoke. But nonetheless, he sleepily put on his uniform and left his room. He started heading for the bathroom, but unfortunately ran into Karai.

"Ah, Paolo. You're awake," she said, crossing her arms. "Is there a mission I need to do?" Paolo asked, trying to seem like he was very much awake. Karai made a motion for him to follow her, and they walked in silence to the main area. "I need you to go spy on the two humans. One of them has green, blonde, and black hair, vitiligo, and heterochromia. The other has black hair, vitiligo, and gray eyes," Karai said, sitting down on her throne. "Should be easy enough to find them..." Paolo thought aloud. "Yes, well, there's not much to go on for that description. I sent the Foot Soldier who saw them to get a picture of them," Karai said, crossing her legs. 

Then a Foot Soldier walked into the room, stood next to Paolo, and bowed. "Ah. Here they are. You both may approach," Karai said. The Foot Soldier and Paolo approached Karai and the Foot Soldier handed Karai the pictures he held. Karai looked at the pictures, then dismissed the soldier and told Paolo to stay. Karai then handed Paolo the pictures. Paolo then took a few seconds to look at the pictures. "I'll get right on it, Lady Karai," he said, looking back up at Karai. "Good. Now off you go," Karai said. Paolo then bowed and left.

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