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The day after Paolo had delivered that letter, Casey left his apartment one afternoon and went to his mailbox. He grabbed the mail from inside it and shuffled through it as he made his way back to his apartment. He then saw another letter. "Another letter... He's still alive. And free..."

When he got back to his apartment, he tossed everything else on the counter, then opened the letter. As he read the letter, his eyes widened in horror, but also fear. "What?! Oh god..." he said, running his fingers through his hair. He then looked at the time and said, "Okay, good. And thanks to that sleepover, I'll be able to pick up Spirit and Percy, too." 

After school, Spirit, Titian, and Marcantonio were waiting outside for Casey. "I can't wait for this sleepover!" Spirit said with a huge smile. "Me either!" Titian said, smiling brighter than he had in over a month.

Meanwhile, Paolo and Takato were on the rooftop of the school. "There's Marc and Titian. They're disguised," Paolo said, pointing them out. "I can tell that's them," Takato said. "Great!" Paolo said with a smile. 

"And I'm guessing that person with them is one of the people we may have to use so Karai can get what she wants..." Takato said, pointing out Spirit. "Yeah... I hope they can stop it, though," Paolo said, turning to Takato. "So do I... I'd hate to know what Karai would do to them," Takato said, upset. 

"And the other one goes to Hudson River Middle with Levina," Paolo said. 

They then watched Casey's dark silver minivan pull up and watched Marcantonio, Titian, and Spirit get in the van. "And there's Uncle Casey in the minivan," Paolo said, smiling. 

"He drives a minivan?" Takato said, thinking it's not like Casey. "Yeah. Sometimes he has to pick up or drop off his hockey kids. Their parents just fill out a form," Paolo explained. "That's nice of him," Takato said. 

"Wait, he coaches hockey?" Takato said, curious. "Yeah. He coaches a handful of high school kids and some middle school and some college kids. He also teaches hockey, too," Paolo informed. 

"My best friend slash crush likes to play hockey as like, a hobby," Takato said, smiling. "That's super cool!" Paolo said ecstatic. Takato's face then went a slight red, and he said, "Yeah... He's great at it. I've seen him play a few times." 

"Ooooh someone's blushing~," Paolo said, teasing Takato. "Stop it," Takato said, his face going back to normal. "Alright. Alright. I'll stop. Just a force of habit," Paolo said, apologizing. "Thanks..." Takato said, feeling like he was too harsh. "Anytime. Boundaries are important and it's good to set them. 

"Yeah... Karai frowns upon them. But she has her own, which makes no sense," Takato said, kind of complaining. "I think that Karai is a hypo... hypo..." Paolo said, trying to remember the word. "Hypocrite," Takato said. "Yeah! That! I think Karai is a narcissistic, hypocritical, bit-" he started to say before a noise came from his wrist. 

He clicked a button, and then Karai said, "Paolo. How's the hunt?" "It's going good. They left the schools a while ago, but I know where they're headed and Takato and I are on our way over there," Paolo said, not knowing that Karai had no idea. "Takato's there?!" she shouted. "Yeah, why?" Paolo asked. "He wasn't supposed to go out!" Karai yelled. 

"Oh, I requested him," he lied, apologizing. "Ah. I forgot that you're my most trusted... So why is Takato there?" she asked. "I thought he'd be able to learn a few things," he said, looking at Takato. "I supposed that's correct... He could learn a few things... Well, good luck," Karai said, ending the conversation. "Thank you, Lady Karai. Over and out," Paolo said, waiting for Karai's response. "Over and out," Karai said. And then the call ended. 

Takato then sighed and said, "I probably shouldn't have lied... But I didn't really trust you..." "Don't worry about it," Paolo said with a smile, being understanding. 

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