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𝐇𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯 :

Chan hyung drove me an school. I saw the big school.i m nervous but I walking on class room. I m an class room teacher introduce me.

Teacher: so plz introduce your self

Hyunjin: hi I m hwang hyunjin.nice to meet you

Teacher: thank you go and seat

Hyunjin bowed him.

I see a seat on corner so I didn't think any thing and I sit. Suddenly my deskmate seungmin said

Seungmin: hi I m Kim seungmin nice to meet you

Hyunjin: I m hwang hyunjin nice to meet you

( I m so nervous and my voice shaking)

Seungmin: you are new student right how old are you ?

Hyunjin: yeah 19 you

Seungmin: 19 mee too

So mee and seungmin a few minutes talking and now we are frnd bcz he has no frnd too but he had a boyfriend jeongin.

𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞

I saw a 3 boy enterd the room. But I didn't notice before the class. But they are so handsome. I staring them

Hyunjin: seungmin who are they?

Seungmin: they are most popular bad bitch in the school!

Seungmin pointed the the boy and said

This Minho the top,this , changbin ,this jisung and the younger is my boyfriend he is minho's broh but he is so kind

Hyunjin: why ?

Seungmin: he also fcking boy, girls,

Hyunjin: so he is bisexual

Seungmin: hm You stay away from him he is not good boy

Hyunjin: okk sungie

Seungmin: uwu

So seungmin going to his boyfriend now i m waking and saw views that's nice.but suddenly I felt someone touch my shoulder I looked scared

Oh this is Minho. He took the notebook in my hand. I said

Hyunjin: hey plz give me my book

Minho : o my got so you are in new student on my class!(he smirked)

Hyunjin shakingly said bcz he is so scared

Hyunjin: y-yes

Minho : so how you didn't notice me ?

Minho He put his hands on my head and messed up my hair

Hyunjin: h-hey w-w-what happen w-w-why you messed m-my hair ?

Minho : shut up bitch it's my desire

Hyunjin: dd-did i d-do s-something ?

But he pinned me on wall everyone laughed and he massed more my hair and now he is very close to mee

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