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First time hyunjin is soo happy. Minho is happy to see how much hyunjin happy.he carried hyunjin on bridal style.

Going to upstairs hyunjin blushing so hard but he can't hide it.

Minho: baby

Hyunjin: w-w-what do you called me?

Hyunjin shyly answer

Minho: why can't I called my husband like this?

Hyunjin head is minho's neck and he try to hide his blush.

Minho : come on babe

Minho gently Put him to bed.and seat on hyunjin.

Hyunjin: hyung !

Minho: yes baby?

Hyunjin: do you I love you

Minho: how do you love me I hurt you so much.

Hyunjin: no matter I love you on the first day ,can you sleep with me I m so lonely.

Minho didn't believe his ear .

Minho:, baby can you say this again

Hyunjin: Noh

Minho :nautyboy

Hyunjin: can you sleep with me hyung.

Minho: ofc .

Minho laying on hyunjin and tight hug on hyunjin. hyunjin head on minho's chest.minho slowly kissed the boys head and said.

Minho: I love you so much, just I have no dare to tell you.i feel so guilty.forgive me hyunie

Hyunjin staring hyunjin and smiled so hard.

Minho: what happen honey?,

Hyunjin: Ilapewtoo hyung

Minho; say again

Hyunjin: I luv you toooo

Hyunjin shy and screaming.

Minho : oh boy 😭😭😭 can I kiss your lips.

But surprisly hyunjin already connected their lips and Minho kissing so lovely.

Minho : can we do it again?🤭

Hyunjin: what hyung.

Minho: fuck

Hyunjin: suck me daddy🤭🤭🤭

Minho: aye nauty hwang 🙊

Minho now lovely touching his husband.he really love hyunjin now.and now they are doing this🙊 special time 🙊👀👀{shu my innocent baby, don't need to know what they doing 👀👀}

They are biggest Happy couple<3333


Hey guys the story is end.i finally finished it .I don't know how is the story. I written the full story in my head.

Don't take seriously in our Minho bcz Minho is kind, cute ,lovy.he is not bad person .I just wrote this for my 2 fav character hyunho

You guys so much support me which I never thought 💕

Anyways sorry for my all mistake in this story !

Hope you liked it

My 4 th hyunho story

I have so much idea on my head ,but I have little headache

Ok ok you can find the story on my profile.i hope you like it to like this story🖤🖤

Love you my pinky hearts I love you so much 🖤

Have a good day 💕

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